About 250 people, including autonomous collectives and student groups, gathered in Piazza dell'Immacolata in Rome with banners and chants calling for “revenge for Ramy,” accusing the police of unjustified violence. At the head of the procession, there were also well-known figures such as the cartoonist Zerocalcare Tension and violence characterized the demonstration of […]

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The State Police has executed the arrest – validated by the GIP at the Court of Milan – against a 19-year-old Kenyan citizen suspected of enlistment for the purpose of terrorism. The arrest was the result of a complex investigation conducted by the DIGOS of Milan – International Anti-Terrorism Section and the Central Directorate […]

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In the last few days, two serious incidents have involved minors driving rented cars, creating dangerous situations along the streets of Tivoli and Guidonia. Both cases involved young residents of the Albuccione nomad camp, who, with reckless behavior, caused accidents and alerted the police. The first […]

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Football, Usic: solidarity with colleagues injured in Genoa, Mandolini: “Increase compensation for road personnel“ “The Italian Carabinieri Union (Usic), expresses closeness and support to colleagues of the 2nd Liguria Carabinieri Regiment after the pre-derby clashes, where 3 police officers were also injured, to whom we extend our solidarity“. This was stated in a […]

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A joint operation by the American secret services and the Italian authorities has revealed a complex arms trafficking between China and Libya, culminating in the seizure of two illegal shipments in Gioia Tauro. The discovery highlighted the connections between Khalifa Haftar, Libyan leader, and illicit trade with China. In the port of Tobruk, […]

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by Editorial Staff In a press release, the Colleferro police station, directed by the Deputy Police Commissioner Dr. Rita SVERDIGLIOZZI, announced that following a specific surveillance service, a 31-year-old local man was arrested, caught in the act of selling for the purposes of drug dealing of narcotic substances to a young person under the age of 18. [...]

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The rules regulating trade union associations between soldiers have been included in the Military Code. 1,5 billion allocated for the renewal of contracts for Armed Forces and police personnel. On the subject, Defense Minister Crosetto: “The Government considers it a starting point. My idea is that of a real […]

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The meeting between the Chief of Police - Director General of Public Security Lamberto GIANNINI and the Chief of Croatian Police Nikola MILINA took place today in Zagreb. At the heart of the talks was the issue of combating illegal immigration, Croatia's entry into the Schenghen system, the fight against terrorism and organized crime. During the meeting […]

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The Road Police from all over Europe operated on the roads of the old continent for an entire week, from 13 to 19 February, to check heavy vehicles used for the transport of goods, buses and vehicles intended for the transport of dangerous goods, both from national and foreign registration. During the checks, the agents of the Traffic Police [...]

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28 European countries join forces to target drug and firearms trafficking, migrant smuggling and human trafficking From October 26 to 29, as part of the activities of the EMPACT Platform ("European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats "), the EU's key tool for combating organized crime, [...]

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Pasquale Bonavota inserted among the fugitives of maximum danger. A woman was also included among the fugitives considered dangerous. The Integrated Joint Forces Group for the Search of Fugitives (GIIRL) - established at the Central Directorate of the Criminal Police of the Department of Public Security - with the task of collecting and analyzing the information provided by the [...]

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In his home, DIGOS has discovered a small arsenal of sidearms "We need suicide bombers here ... who blow themselves up together with one of these corrupt criminal politicians ..." is what a user posted last night on a chat in which opinions and opinions are peacefully exchanged news on the evolution of the pandemic. The DIGOS of Florence has [...]

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At the Conference Hall of the Palazzo del Viminale, the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese, the Undersecretary of Sports Valentina Vezzali and the Chief of Police Lamberto Giannini met the athletes of the Olympic gold medaled sports groups in Tokyo. The Fiamme Oro have long been a hotbed of talent: hard work and great [...]

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The last flight of the Italian Air Force for the humanitarian airlift between Afghanistan and Italy landed at Fiumicino airport, carrying 110 people, including 58 Afghans. Also on board the ambassador Pontecorvo, the consul Claudi and the carabinieri of Tuscania. Pontecorvo explained that 120 thousand people were taken away from the town and, now that [...]

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“Italy arrived late on the topic of cybersecurity”, the comment of the Delegated Authority for the security of the Republic Franco Gabrielli at the hearing of the Constitutional Affairs and Transport commissions of the Chamber. The next step is the conversion into law of the decree that regulates the Agency. In this regard Gabrielli specified: "We can no longer afford to waste time on an issue that may not [...]

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Leonardo strengthens safety and rescue capacity in Brazil with six AW119Kx helicopters for Polícia Rodoviária Federal Leonardo announced today that Brazil's Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF) - the Federal Traffic Police - will introduce six AW119Kx single-engine helicopters into service. The arrival in Brazil of the first of the six machines is scheduled for the beginning [...]

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The Parliamentary Committee for the Security of the Republic, chaired by the Honorable Raffaele Volpi (Lega) has decided to request hearings by the Minister of the Interior and the Chief of Police on specific issues concerning the events in the streets that are taking place and on the matter of the Tunisian citizen who passed through Italy then carried out the bloody attack [...]

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The State Police of Latina has implemented a detention order issued by the Public Prosecutor of Latina against 3 suspected Indian citizens for the crime of group sexual violence aggravated by the minor age of the victim which took place in Fondi in the period between March [...]

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The Brescia State Police carried out a precautionary custody order in prison issued by the GIP of the Brescia Court against 12 subjects, of which 9 Moroccans, 2 Albanians and one Italian. The subjects, between May and December 2018, were responsible for numerous episodes [...]

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“The statements by the Minister of the Interior La Morgese on possible social tensions in the autumn must be seriously considered coming from the top political authority of the department to which solid and professional monitoring and prevention systems belong. In such undesirable eventualities, consequent considerations of informative and operational responsibility will be brought back to the Ministry of the Interior. [...]

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Covid 19 - Meeting between the leaders of the Police Forces of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, with Italy and Europol called to direct the work The meeting on the 'crime emergency following the pandemic caused by Covid 19 in Europe, with the participation of [...]

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Cagliari - VIII regional conference on international police cooperation This morning the Deputy Director General of Public Security, Prefect Vittorio Rizzi, chaired the eighth regional conference on international police cooperation, at the Congress Center of the "Mediterraneo" pavilion in Cagliari. During the conference, the leaders of the judiciary and the forces [...]

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The State Police of Rieti, coordinated by the Central Operations Service, at the request of the GIP of the Court of Rieti, at the request of the Prosecutor's Office, arrested 20 Nigerian citizens and a Cameroonian citizen for possession and sale of drugs. The operation, called "Angelo Nero", nickname given by drug addicts to one of the main drug dealers, took place [...]

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International police cooperation - joint patrols Italy - China Fourth year of collaboration between Italian police forces and the People's Republic of China Joint patrols with Chinese police operators in Italian territory will resume today for the fourth consecutive year. Italy is one of the three countries that carries out a project with China [...]

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The "Sala del Monticelli" of the Carabinieri Legion Command "Emilia Romagna" today hosted the third regional conference on international police cooperation, chaired by the Deputy Director General of Public Security, Central Director of the Criminal Police Prefect Vittorio Rizzi. The event, organized by the Central Directorate of the Criminal Police and attended by Prefects, Quaestors, [...]

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Copper theft in the railway sector fell by 23%: this is the figure that emerges from the analysis of the Railway Police for the first seven months of the year. The phenomenon, which with the blocking of train circulation causes delays and inconvenience for travelers, records a decline in particular in events along the line, which decreased by 21%. [...]

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The State Police of Teramo carried out a precautionary measure against 6 people, including 5 of Nigerian ethnicity, accused of trafficking in human beings, exploitation and aiding and abetting of prostitution and illegal immigration. a 62-year-old Italian, (recipient of the precautionary measure of house arrest), owner and co-owner respectively [...]

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The State Police of Palermo is carrying out a detention order for the suspect of crime, against Nigerian non-EU citizens for the crime of criminal association of a mafia type, with the commission of crimes against the person, especially in the occasion of clashes with the cult rivals for the control of the territory and [...]

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The commemoration ceremony of the 41st anniversary of the Via Fani massacre took place this morning in Rome, in the presence of the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, the highest offices of the State, the civil and military authorities, the families of the victims. The ceremony began with the laying of a laurel wreath [...]

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Today the Cremona State Police carried out a precautionary custody order in prison against five Romanian citizens, part of a criminal association accused of having committed a robbery in a villa in Crema in June 2018. In that circumstance four people (two of them armed with guns) entered [...]

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This morning the State Police of Isernia carried out two orders for the application of the interdictive measure of the suspension from the exercise of teaching against two teachers aged 49 and 58 who carry out their activity within a state nursery school of Venafro (IS). The investigations conducted by the Flying Squad began from [...]

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A few hours ago the Croatian Police, in Zagreb, on the recommendation of the Venice Mobile Squad and the Central Operational Service of the State Police - with the coordination of the District Prosecutor of Trieste directed by the Prosecutor Carlo MASTELLONI - arrested the fugitive D'ESTE Claudio. 72-year-old Venetian, the aforementioned is the recipient [...]

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After the warning from the US State Department, the Barcelona police have stepped up security checks at some of the most recognizable monuments of the Spanish city. The surprise warning came in the form of a post on the popular Twitter social network on Sunday 23 December. In the tweet, the State Department [...]

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After the training, which lasted a few months, the experimentation of the “taser2, the electric impulse weapon that inhibits the movements of the affected subjects, begins. From next Wednesday, in fact, from Milan to Catania and in some other ten cities, selected agents of the police will also run with an electric pistol in the holster. To seal the way to [...]

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The Brescia State Police arrested 10 foreigners, who were held responsible for the sale of drugs in a city park. The investigations of the policemen of the mobile squad and of the Central Operational Service of the State Police were launched last February and were supported by the Central Directorate for Anti-Drug Services with the [...]

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The renewal of the contract for the Defense and Security sectors has obtained the green light from the Court of Auditors, which has certified the economic compatibility of the salary increases envisaged for the Armed Forces, Police and Firefighters. This was announced by the SILP CGIL union of the State Police according to which in a few days the [...]

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Over 100 Italian policemen have carried out, in various localities of the national territory and in Romania, the Pre-trial detention order issued, against 13 suspects, by the GIP at the Court of Milan at the request of the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office which also ordered further home and computer searches. At the same time, in Romania, with the participation [...]

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The Chief of Police Franco Gabrielli and the President of CONI Giovanni Malagò have signed a framework agreement to promote and strengthen, through specific agreements, the cooperation aimed at achieving their respective institutional tasks in the field of sporting activity. The State Police believes that sporting activity is an integral part of professional training and facilitates its [...]

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The State Police of Reggio Calabria arrested 3 subjects for manslaughter and pluri-aggravated robbery against an 88-year-old pensioner from Reggio. The investigation, conducted by the Reggio Calabria Mobile Squad, made it possible to identify a group of robbers made up of two men and a woman who brutally attacked last October [...]

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The nerve agent who poisoned the Russian double spy in England last week may have been smeared on the handle of his car, according to some sources. Sergei Skripal, 66, and his daughter Yulia, 33, are in critical condition after being poisoned on March 4 by strangers in the English city of Salisbury. Skripal, [...]

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Police spokesman Patrick Maierhofer said last night that 2 women and a man were seriously injured with a knife right in the city center. The attack on the 67 and 56-year-old couple and their 17-year-old daughter allegedly took place, around 19.45pm, near the shopping street, Praterstrasse, in [...]

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At the height of an argument, an 85-year-old killed his 56-year-old son with an iron bar. The sad fact happened in Naples, it is more precisely in via dei Calzolai, in the San Pietro a Patierno district, on the northern outskirts of the city. According to what emerges from the first reconstructions carried out by the agents of the Scampia Commissariat [...]

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It seems to have reached a turning point in the investigation into the disappearance in Mexico of three Italians, of whom there has been no news since January 31st. Raffaele Russo, his son Antonio and his nephew Vincenzo Cimmino, originally from Naples, disappeared while they were in Tecalitlan, in the Mexican state of Jalisco, located in the western part of the country. [...]

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From 12 to 17 February, the "Talassa" operation was carried out in the main national ports, coordinated by the Central Directorate of Immigration and Border Police, aimed at identifying the main routes used by irregular migrants to reach Italy, as well as carry out activities to combat international terrorism and cross-border crime. The operating device, [...]

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After a few days of the cowardly attack suffered by a carabiniere employed in the public order service set up on the occasion of the anti-fascist march in Piacenza, a fact of extreme gravity immortalized by the cameras that show the shameful fury of several demonstrators against a servant of the state fallen to the ground and stormed by the ferocity of [...]

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Five carabinieri were injured today in Piacenza during the riots that broke out in the center, when the approximately 450 protesters of the anti Casapound march tried to force the police cordon to reach the headquarters of the radical right-wing movement. https://youtu.be/JTkv8Ktc2wo Of the five injured, four suffered bruises, while allegedly fractured [...]

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Gennaro Monaco died yesterday in his home in the capital. He was 75 years old and had been Prefect of Rome as part of his glorious career in the police. The funeral will be held today 13 January at 12.15 at the parish of Santa Chiara, in Piazza dei Giuochi Delfici in Rome. Well known in judicial circles for [...]

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A rather bizarre story is that which took place yesterday afternoon in Florence, where a young man of African origins approached the agents of the State Police of the Tuscan capital, following a scam he was the victim of. So far it would seem one of the thousands of scams registered daily in our country, but in [...]

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It was not the fault of the police and MI5 (the counterintelligence service) if they failed to prevent the bloody terrorist attacks that hit the United Kingdom this year: this is confirmed by the internal investigations launched after the series of attacks, according to as anticipated by the newspaper "The Guardian" which however criticizes the [...]

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According to reports from the Pajhwok news agency, a violent clash, which broke out between Afghan security forces and the Taliban in the southern province of Helmand, caused the death of 12 police officers and nine militants while 9 other officers were injured. The agency, citing reliable sources, specified that it was a [...]

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