Confindustria Giovani, Valditara: Youth entrepreneurship, a strategic asset

“Youth entrepreneurship is a strategic asset for the growth of our country and institutions must deal with the realities of the sector to grasp its potential. It is on the basis of these assumptions that, as part of the "alliance for schools", I am also working on a partnership between private individuals and educational institutions which, through project financing and dialogue with local authorities, will allow us to improve the school buildings, making the provision of services more efficient and making the buildings energy independent.

We also aim to reduce the gap between job supply and demand: with the technical-professional education reform bill we will experimentally create a single supply chain with the ITS, according to the 4+2 model, for highly qualified training which both in connection with the productive world, with a strengthening of basic skills but also of those of greater technical and professional caliber. We have also signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and State Railways to strengthen collaboration between the world of schools and the professions, so that children develop the skills required by companies in the sector".

Thus Giuseppe Valditara, Minister of Education and Merit, spoke today at the 38th edition of the Confindustria Young Entrepreneurs Conference in Capri.

"We do not forget - Valditara continued – that ours is the second manufacturing country in Europe: the goal is to provide, by 2027, at least 508 thousand workers for sectors such as mechatronics and information technology. Confindustria has estimated that 48% of these are difficult to find; we have the duty to transform these alarming figures into a great opportunity for young people".

"Another challenge – concluded the Minister – is the one launched in June with Agenda Sud, the largest plan of interventions against school dropout in the southern regions implemented to date, for an amount of over 325 million euros. To guarantee the development of the country, it is necessary to achieve educational unity in Italy, giving all students the same opportunities regardless of where they were born".

As regards the Summer Plan, the Minister underlined that the latter will have as its objective to offer students sporting, recreational and musical activities, but also for strengthening or recovery, based on the programming of the individual school, with the involvement of the associations of the third sector, university students and those teachers who decide to join on a voluntary basis.

Confindustria Giovani, Valditara: Youth entrepreneurship, a strategic asset