(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Daniele Di Mario on Il Tempo did a real journalistic "scoop". Yesterday in the late evening no agency talked about it and today the article that explains the meeting between the secretary of the PD, Nicola #Zingaretti and an ex who never wants to lose the scene in the moments that count in Italian politics, Massimo # D'Alema.
Nicola Zingaretti, besieged by Matteo Renzi, who this evening will make a solo press conference, has therefore decided to ask the noble left of the Italian left for advice.
The lunch meeting in Umbria in the estate of the former Prime Minister. Topics covered? Only one, to be precise the birth of a new government led by Roberto Fico and supported by M5S, Pd, left and autonomy. D'Alema explains to Zingaretti the reasons behind the need to give life to a new executive without going to early elections. A government that does the maneuver, of course, but which is also a legislature, stop the advance of Matteo Salvini and prepare, for the future, a new political architecture for the center-left. All this with the Five Stars.
A shiver on Matteo Salvini's back because this is not a mess but a real conspiracy against a party, a person, but above all the Italians. Create a government entity from scratch to allow the left to regroup? This is the meaning of the creature suggested by D'Alema. Political horror!
The words of the former premier were listened to very carefully by Zingaretti and not far from the development of thoughts and strategies within the party. In the conference of the group leaders of the Senate the M5S-Pd axis is already a reality. The Aula of Palazzo Madama, in fact, will meet today at 18 to establish the definitive calendar of the session of 20 August on the communications that will make the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte.
A decision taken by a majority of the group leaders, but not unanimously and therefore not definitive: hence the need to convene the Chamber which has the last word. It will be up to the political forces who have made a different proposal with the group leaders. Lega, Fdl and FI asked that the Chamber be convened tomorrow Wednesday 14 and not on Conte's communications but on the motion of no confidence to the premier: request rejected. If today, explains Di Mario, no group proposes a different agenda for the sitting of the Palazzo Madama classroom and a different day than August 20, the calendar established yesterday by the majority group leaders' conference will be final. If, on the other hand, one or more groups propose changes, then the requests will be put to the vote and will pass if they get the majority of the votes.
However, Lega, Fdl and FI have little chance of changing the calendar and obtaining that the motion of no confidence in Conte is discussed and voted on tomorrow. The numbers, on paper, speak for themselves. The three center-right forces can count on 138 votes. M5S, Pd, Autonomie and Mixed can count on at least 170 if not 175 votes, numbers that could grow further. The 5 Stars have 107 senators, 51 the Democratic Party, 8 the Autonomies, plus at least 8 senators out of 15 of the Mixed. Today, therefore, the Chamber is preparing to confirm the call of 20 August on the premier's communications.
Salvini, in this regard, is furious: "We are ready for anything, even to withdraw ministers. I rely on the wisdom of the President of the Republic it is clear that there is no other majority. Those who fear the elections are afraid of not returning to Parliament, Renzi is the most obvious image. The only agreement is that of the chair between Renzi and the 5 Stars. Do Renzi, Boschi, Fico and Toninelli do the maneuver? At a time when courage is needed, but come on ... We are not interested in heating the chair or keeping the parliament blocked: why can't we work in August? The producing Italy asks to hurry".
Salvini at this point could take the path of the resignation of the ministers. At that point the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte could immediately go up to the Quirinale and resign, that is to assume the interim of all the ministries.
Going to vote would be the only truly "democratic" way.