Valditara: "Transmitting to young people the importance of prudent, safe, aware driving" Today the Council of Ministers approved the bill dedicated to interventions in the field of road safety and delegation for the revision of the Highway Code, presented by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini, in synergy with the Minister of Education [...]

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Luciana Lamorgese chooses the historic Northern League player Roberto Maroni to chair the consultation on the contrast to the Caporalato. Headquarters? The Interior Ministry. Tepid and piqued the reaction of the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini: “To obtain results, a clearly inadequate minister like Luciana Lamorgese must have recourse to an important member of the League. Maroni has the total and [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Matteo Salvini apparently is at the showdown. After the farewell of the Lega social campaign guru Luca Morisi, inventor of the "beast", the debate within the party among the top exponents is, at times, very hard and does not bode well when there is a real counter [...]

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For now only the obligation to the green pass to enter the workplace, and not to vaccination. The goal is to push the largest number of Italians to vaccinate to reach 80 percent of immunized at the end of October, about 44 million Italians with first and second dose inoculated. The new rules will enter [...]

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This week at the next council of ministers (Wednesday, to be confirmed) the government intends to extend the green pass to users of public services. So not only the obligation to public administration employees but also to users, as is the case for schools, where the use of the green card is also foreseen for parents [...]

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In a few days the "white semester" of the President of the Republic and the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini launches his "out out" to Prime Minister Draghi: "I wrote to Draghi and told him that by August the problem of landings must be solved. If the minister (Lamorgese ed) is not able to solve it, take some [...]

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Alessandro Zan recalled how the text of the law, which takes his name, approved at Montecitorio and sent to the Senate "is already the result of a long, tiring but also exciting mediation", where the Renzian parliamentarians were protagonists, with the amendments by Lucia Annibali, Gabriele Toccafondi and Lisa Noja. Because now Davide Faraone asks [...]

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“Bishop Bilz of the German Protestant Church baptizes a new slave ship for the NGO Lifeline, with the hypocritical brazenness of those who play with the skin of human beings. By becoming an accomplice of the merchants of human beings, the German bishop is an integral part of the diabolical plan to attack Europe, in spite of the Protestant faithful unaware of the game [...]

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Anguish and hope were the keywords of the end-of-year speech by President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, who called for a return to normalcy and economic recovery, while recalling the need to maintain precautions until "the vaccination campaign has definitively defeated the pandemic". Let's remain united, is the warning sent to [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte yesterday informed the Quirinale on the need to start a confrontation between the forces of the majority to clarify: "We need frankness and transparency". The Colle's position is clear, no change to important ministries without a parliamentary passage to test the existence of trust in the government. Last [...]

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The spirits around the story of the INPS president do not calm down who, thanks to an interministerial decree establishing the remuneration of the Board of Inps (and Inail), the undersigned has doubled his salary with effect from 15 April 2020, since he took office on Board of Directors and I assumed the position of president ”. [...]

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An incredible synchrony that of the majority: on the same day they send Matteo Salvini to trial for the Open Arms affair and then support the changes for the two security decrees, made by the Northern League leader when he was Minister of the Interior. The final text will be submitted to the attention of the local autonomies, but for approval by the Council of Ministers [...]

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(by Andrea Pinto) “Something unheard of has happened. A point of no return in our democracy. Such a thing is out of this world, it is worthy of a totalitarian regime! Where has it ever been seen that a prime minister convenes a press conference with unified networks to talk not about what he does and will do [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Around 18.00 the usual war bulletin read by the representative of the Protection. Hundreds of deaths announced every day, we have broken a sad world record. Faced with this merciless scenario, the "assumptions" of the experts follow one another in the various television programs and in the major Italian newspapers. From the most catastrophic when the same [...]

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This morning the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella telephoned the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, after the joint request of the center-right, to fix an urgent meeting, in the light of recent events. The center-right had asked to be received at the Quirinale to offer its support to the coronavirus emergency, given that up to now the Government has not [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) In the most delicate moment for our country, for health, the lives of our citizens are uncovered, palace maneuvers to tear down the castle of the Conte government. Matteo Salvini continues to call Prime Minister Conte to contribute with the League's proposals to the ongoing emergency: it is a pity that on the other side [...]

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(by John Blackeye - Massimiliano D'Elia) Now enough, let's turn the page! Seven hundred deaths a day. The equivalent of a mountain village disappears every day. Yesterday another village and so the day before yesterday. As every evening we look forward to the bulletin issued by the Civil Protection which for days now has only confirmed that the trend of [...]

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“The peak has suddenly increased we are surprised but not unprepared. Control controversy? Maybe there was some flaw, but only in the first few days “, said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, yesterday interviewed by Mara Venier live on Rai Uno. "We are not unprepared, my surprise is due to the fact that there was a peak from a [...]

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“I am here for the information on the changes to the ESM also because I have always tried to ensure clear and transparent dialogue with Parliament. Those in the opposition are showing a poor culture of rules and a lack of respect for the institutions. Neither on my part nor on the part of any member of my Government [...]

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On 12 and 13 December next, the EU Council will have to launch the Mes - the European fund for saving States - and in Italy there will be a succession of top and mini-top leaders. Yesterday the leader of the Movement, Luigi Di Maio asked for a meeting with the representatives of the government parties to negotiate, discuss a probable [...]

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"Rome returns to the capital", the slogan used by Matteo Salvini yesterday at Teatro Italia. Over a thousand participants in the first event of the League to look out over the upcoming Capitoline elections. Present, militants, activists, local councilors, leaders and parliamentarians. “I hope that in Rome, and also in Lazio and also in Italy, there will be a vote in the spring. Let's get ready to win. We will have a [...]

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New alarm for a possible rise of water beyond the guard level in Venice. In the morning, with the expected peak at 11.20, an exceptional tide of 160 centimeters is expected, 10 more than the previous forecast. Enough to trigger the "red code". In the Serenissima, the alarm sirens were heard already at 6.39, [...]

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(by Andrea Pinto) Yesterday a small appetizer of what could happen with a yellow-red government. Luigi Di Maio, after meeting with the prime minister in charge, Giuseppe Conte, put the ball back in midfield by relaunching with 20 indispensable MoVement proposals. The security decree bis is not touched, it will be necessary to proceed with progressive autonomy, remove the [...]

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The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte thus commented on the Open Arms story on his Facebook profile Dear Minister of the Interior, dear Matteo, I am writing this open letter because the case of the Open Arms ship now dominates the front pages of the newspapers and because I am forced to note that even the official correspondence between [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Daniele Di Mario on Il Tempo made a real journalistic “scoop”. Late yesterday no agency talked about it and today the article explaining the meeting between the PD secretary, Nicola #Zingaretti and an ex who never wants to lose the scene in the moments that matter in politics [...]

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Matteo Salvini does not want to waste time and wants Parliament to vote no confidence in the government before mid-August. The Speaker of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, however, reminds him that only “the Presidents of the Chamber and Senate convene the Chambers. Nobody else". How to summon the parliamentarians? Il Giornale writes: How? By phone? Mail? Whatsapp? No, […]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Yesterday a real political chaos. In the wake of the “tzunami” model of the motion of the pentastellates “no Tav”, the perfect storm was generated. In the Senate, right on the Tav it was certified that there is no longer a "credible" majority and above all useful for legislating. Salvini in the light of the result of the Chamber immediately raised his shields [...]

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The fear of various 'big names' in the League, writes the AGI agency, is that what is called the 'restoration front' may prevail, that 'Renzian' scenarios may arise in the coming months, when the Democratic Party from 40% then began the descent in consensus. In fact, next week the window for voting will close in [...]

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In a note, the general secretary of the SIM Guardia di Finanza, Cleto Iafrate commented on the Sea-Watch story: "Without entering, on the merits of the controversy relating to the Sea Watch case - the opinions will be expressed in the competent offices - I welcome with great satisfaction the demonstration of the closeness of Minister Salvini to the soldiers of the Guard of [...]

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Khalifa Haftar has sensitized the European Union to "put an end to the racist policy of the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini": this is what we read in a statement released during the night from the LNA Air Operations Room. The news is reported by the Italian news agency Nova. Haftar's militias deny any responsibility for the air raid that in the night [...]

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The president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir #Putin has landed in Rome. The first appointment at the Vatican, for the audience with #Pope Francis. The parade of cars, reports ANSA, coming directly from Fiumicino, reached the Vatican through St. Peter's Square and the Arco delle Campane, to then reach the San Damaso courtyard. Here Putin and his [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) It is a problem of attributes. Salvini must now show everyone who the "Captain" is. An agency has just been beaten on a meeting between Matteo #Salvini and Mara #Carfagna, coordinator of Forza Italia yesterday, together with Giovanni #Toti. Apparently the center-right is assuming a credible form of government [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Giuseppe #Conte in the long-awaited direct from Palazzo Chigi spoke to the Italians, indeed no, only to the two vice premier. An unusual way to send messages to the two majority leaders. This is usually done in a closed-door meeting, or the situation in the Chamber is discussed in front of the [...]

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Steve Bannon, in an interview with "Il Messaggero" traces the analysis of the Italian political situation, in relation to the upcoming European elections up to mention the newly elected Brazilian president Bolsonaro who judges, together with Matteo Salvini and Trump, the main world politicians defenders of Judeo-Christian values. Matteo Salvini announced that in mid-April he will organize in Rome [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Berlusconi went on a rampage after reading in the newspapers that Matteo Salvini doesn't want to hear about old alliances. Moreover, some have labeled him as an "old man". Matteo Salvini immediately picked up the phone and called Arcore: "Silvio, I assure you that I have been given phrases that [...]

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Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte “denies having expressed, even if only in an informal way, a position or comment regarding the consultation underway on the Rousseau platform. What he had to say has already officially declared in the document that was sent to Minister Salvini and attached to the documents that are to the attention [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) On the Sea Watch affair, the government is compact, granite: "No migrant goes down and no one goes up". In Europe there are no countries willing to accept a portion of the 47 migrants and the Netherlands has officially replied that it has no obligation despite the Sea Watch flying the Dutch flag. The minister […]

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The problem of the security decree and its application on the territories has unleashed the wrath of the mayors of Milan, Naples, Palermo, Cagliari, Sassari, Nuoro, Bari and Pesaro, about thirty throughout Italy. The request is to actively participate in new changes to the provision to adapt it as much as possible to the real needs of the municipalities. On the other hand [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Coupon of the government contract and possible reshuffle. The sentences pronounced by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte yesterday at the press conference at the end of the year that threw the majority shareholders of the yellow-green government into panic. It is not the first time that Giuseppe Conte has started to take his head off the sack and try [...]

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(by Emanuela Ricci) More than 50000 thousand participants in the event organized by the League. People arrived in Piazza del Popolo in Rome in large groups to position themselves in an orderly manner in the square between the flags of the League and banners with the sun of the Alps, but also many tricolors. The speakers play Christmas music, but [...]

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(by Emanuela Ricci) Tomorrow the appointment is in Piazza del Popolo at 11.00, a place that will be remembered for a long time because it will most likely mark the epochal turning point of the League which in fact will become a national circulation. The forecasts speak of at least 100 people who will come from all over Italy to greet and give strength to the "Captain" [...]

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(by Emanuela Ricci) After only six months of yellow-green government, the Security Decree, requested from every corner of the peninsula by the Italians, has finally become law a few days ago. After the approval of the Council of Ministers, it also obtained the seal from the Senate and the Chamber, with the vote of confidence since some pentastellated senators [...]

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Matteo Salvini joined “The Movement”, a group founded by Steve Bannon, which aims to launch a right-wing revolution in Europe. Salvini's membership is the first victory for Donald J. Trump's former strategist and gives legitimacy to the project. In fact, previously Bannon had not been taken seriously [...]

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According to reports from the UN Mission in Libya (Unsmil), the death toll of the clashes in Libya in the last 47 days is at least 129 dead and 8 injured. Unsmil, in the note issued today, also invited "the various parties affected by the conflict to an extended meeting for Tuesday at noon in a place that [...]

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The day after the summit on the maneuver held at Palazzo Chigi, Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio tries to reassure the markets by stating that there is no need for any break with the European Union. Di Maio then explained that "citizenship income and Flat tax" will also be achieved by adopting policies of "spending review and reorganization of the [...]

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After the meeting wanted in recent days by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte with the family of the young Regeni, Interior Minister Matteo Salvini flew to Cairo to meet the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi and his counterpart Abdel Ghaffar, a clear sign that the government is trying to tighten the time to reach the truth [...]

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Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini met his counterpart Vladimir Kolokoltsev and the deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council in Moscow. The contents of the ongoing negotiations are summarized in the statements by Matteo Salvini, "it will be necessary to convince the European partners through dialogue, but without excluding the exercise of the veto, on the damages of the extension of sanctions to [...]

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Matteo Salvini expressed satisfaction and optimism at the end of the trilateral meeting in Innsbruck which saw the Ministers of the Interior of Italy, Berlin and Vienna gathered to talk about the migrant emergency. A three-way agreement, an "axis of the willing" led by Austria, Germany and Italy. This is how Salvini summarized the agreement reached during the meeting. Interior Minister Salvini [...]

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According to what emerged from the Quirinale circles, during the conversation of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella with Matteo Salvini, there was talk of immigration, terrorism, security, confiscation of assets from the mafia and Libya without any mention of the issue relating to the preventive seizure of accounts of the League ordered by a sentence of the Cassation. The interviews, which [...]

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106 immigrants disembarked, carried by an Italian-led European mission patrol vessel Eunavformed and the leader of the League and Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini announced that he would also close the ports to ships of international missions. An instant reply from the holder of the Defense, Elisabetta Trenta, who with a precise note that the Interior Ministry has no [...]

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The European Parliament in Strasbourg does not bat an eyelid at Matteo Salvini's announcement of wanting to build a European League, a sort of populist 'international' that could bring together all the Eurosceptic European conservatives for the next European elections. Faced with Salvini's declaration made in front of the people of Pontida who came from all over Italy, the pentastellati of Strasbourg prefer not [...]

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Matteo Salvini, interviewed by Corriere della Sera, said that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte was good. Conte put on paper the discourse on NGOs and closed the problem, they are no longer legitimate. It was established that no one should interfere with the work of the Libyan Coast Guard. And in fact Malta closes [...]

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The issue of Migrants continues to remain the hot topic on the Italian and international political scene. Danilo Toninelli, Minister of Infrastructure, replying to an interview on the Radio on the migrant issue, declared that he was in line with Interior Minister Matteo Salvini. According to Toninelli "the real battle is to separate the rescue from the management of requests [...]

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After yesterday's informal Brussels summit, where Giuseppe Conte presented the Italian proposal on immigration, the "European Multilevel Strategy for migration" which aims to move the reception centers to Libya and North Africa, today is the turn of the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini who in flight to Libya will have a [...]

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The authorities of Malta continue to keep the ports closed to the ship of the German NGO, Lifeline, which remains in the Mediterranean with more than 200 migrants on board waiting for some country to allow it to dock. On the night of last Wednesday, the boat recovered 224 people from a rubber dinghy in Libyan waters and today [...]

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The Aquarius affair has turned on a spotlight on the migrant issue which for years has affected, in reality, only Italy. The line taken by the Italian government has had, for now, the desired effects. The countries of the European Union have, on several occasions with press releases, reaffirmed their firm will to deal with the "Mediterranean" issue with [...]

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Luigi Di Maio and Matteo Salvini are in the final stages to try to find the balance of the next M5S-Lega traction executive. Many names circulated for the office of prime minister, perhaps too many, with the real risk that some candidates were 'burned' by shooting in the pile. Before Di Maio, then Giorgetti, following the [...]

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The leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, interviewed by Corriere della Sera, declared: “I want to say it clearly: forget about establishing a government with the Democratic Party. If there is an attempt to be made, it is with the 5 Stars ”. He then went on to say: "If I want to cancel the Fornero reform, if I want to reform the world of work and [...]

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The 5 Star Movement holds its ground on its positions and continues to want to give the cards on the presidencies of the Chambers, to the point of blowing up the negotiation table at the cost of staying on the corner. No meeting with Silvio Berlusconi and no convicted or on trial at the top of the institutions: from here there [...]

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Password? re-discuss the main EU treaties, to recover shares of national sovereignty. Relations with Russia, on the other hand, would be a common element in a hypothetical government pact between the 5 Star Movement and the Lega. The two parties that won the elections have always looked with interest, in recent years, at the leadership of Vladimir [...]

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Giorgia Meloni, during an interview with Corriere della Sera, appears decisive and firmly points out her consistency with respect to what she promised to her voters during the election campaign: "We have decided that whoever in the coalition had obtained the most votes would have been indicated by the others as premier. I haven't changed my mind, [...]

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Matteo Salvini, guest of the television program 'Quinta Colonna', broadcast last night on Rete 4, addresses the Italian people as follows: "I can't wait to become Prime Minister, if there are numbers in Parliament, to transform be made what are desires ”. The leader of the League then added: "I ask the Italians [...]

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On the possible Italian government comes the comment from overseas by Steve Bannon, the ideologue of "alt-right", the American ultra-right who contributed to the election of Donald Trump. Bannon has no doubts about which government should be leading Italy, again according to the idealist Lega and Movimento should govern together. "My dream is to see them [...]

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The M5s first party and center-right first coalition in this electoral round that delivers to Italy the confirmation of the forecasts of the eve, including those on fears of predictable ungovernability. There are two factors that deserve careful consideration: the collapse of the Democratic Party and the overtaking of the Lega on Forza Italia, with an advantage of 4% -5%. This […]

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Just as the candidates of the right-wing group Fratelli d'Italia are about to sign the anti-mess pact, Giorgia Meloni, in the course of an interview with a prestigious national newspaper, highlights the attitude of her allies, Silvio Berlusconi, Matteo Salvini and candidates of their parties, apparently reluctant to sign this pact [...]

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Lega Nord leader Matteo Salvini said today that his party is preparing the ground for leaving the euro zone and has called the euro a "German currency" that has damaged the Italian economy. "It is clear to everyone that the euro is a mistake for our economy", Matteo Salvini told journalists at [...]

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In an interview with the newspaper 'Libero' Silvio Berlusconi returns to talk about the center-right government program and does so by touching on a series of delicate points such as the Flat tax but also VAT relief, the Fornero law and rewriting of the laws on civil unions and the bioassay. The Knight also indicates some possible elements [...]

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