(by Emanuela Ricci) Tomorrow the appointment is in Piazza del Popolo at 11.00, a place that will be remembered for a long time because it will most likely mark the epochal turning point of the League which will become a national issue. The forecasts speak of at least 100 thousand people who will come from all over Italy to greet and give strength to the "Captain"(The League leader on social media is called) and persuade him to move forward. This is expected Matteo Salvini to convince himself to go ahead and above all to be clear to all, government allies and not that Italians, all Italians of the peninsula, from North to South are with him and the League. It is no coincidence, in fact, that the stage will have as an absolute novelty a mega tricolor that will wrap the slogan "Italy raises its head".
Matteo Salvini in a statement he said, "I expect a Piazza del Popolo full of enthusiasm, with many young people who want to change. It will not be a demonstration against something, but for the future of Italy".
Yes, because right in these days the future of Italy will be outlined in the long and exhausting negotiation with the EU Commission to end the deficit-GDP ratio of at least 2,1 per cent to be able to immediately maintain (the beginning of 2019) the promise made to Italians on pensions at 100 (Premier Giuseppe Conte yesterday proposed to leave with the 100 quota in June, receiving the dry disappointment of Salvini).
Tomorrow, the League will mark the turning point by boiling its national vocation, waiting for the real test: the European elections in May.
The organization is already a thousand and Rome will be filled with a caravan of buses, special trains, campers and cars from all over Italy.
But what most shows the change of course will be the presence of many supporters from southern Italy.
Thirty-four buses from the provinces of Lazio, and all the municipalities of Rome will be represented with a banner of "belonging".
To speak will be Francesco Zicchieri, vicecaproup of the League to the Chamber and Lazio coordinator who affirms "the square will give a big applause to Salvini for the government actions but also for the strong cultural signals given to the Romans, such as the demolition of the Casamonica villas".
"From three to thirty-one, not counting the bells that live in Rome and the many who will reach the capital by their own means", explains Gianluca CantalamessaNeapolitan parliamentarian who says, "just the first months of Salvini vicepremier, with the results of the 100 quota and the security decree, have helped to amplify the message throughout Italy: it can be done".
Two buses from Molise, eight from Abruzzo, but also buses from Calabria and Sicily.
"It does not matter fourteen hours by bus, the enthusiasm and the desire to testify to trust in the government are too strong a push", He says Domenico Furgiuele, deputy and Calabrian coordinator who organized six coaches which will be joined by hundreds of Calabrians living in Rome.
Almost seven hundredfinally, it will be i Sicilians that will arrive by plane, by car and by camper. This was stated by the councilor for the Municipality of Catania Fabio Cantarella that will guide the patrol of the "one hundred and fifty League managers of Sicily.