The day after the summit on the maneuver held at Palazzo Chigi, Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio tries to reassure the markets by stating that there is no need for any break with the European Union.
Di Maio then explained that "income of citizenship and flat tax" will also be implemented by adopting policies of "spending review and reorganization of public spending".
The government is working on several fronts precisely in view of the budget law. To underline the study that the executive would be doing for the simplification of the tax and the bureaucracy connecting it, if possible, with the new Budget. New measures for preventing and combating tax evasion will also be investigated, raising awareness and focusing on electronic invoicing.
But the priorities of the government, underlined today the minister of the Development, remain the lowering of the level of poverty and the reduction of taxes to the enterprises. "We have an ambitious budget law project in mind", explained the vice premier, refuting the hypothesis of a selective increase in VAT. "Nobody wants to change the world in four months. There must be a beginning, a beginning, of all these things ", underlined the Minister of the Interior Salvini, referring to the need to send a signal also on Fornero.
Di Maio, however, points out how with the European institutions do not serve forcing but "a decisive and sincere dialogue to be able to get things".
Meanwhile, the rift between Lega and FI widens, accusing the Salvini party of wanting to implement the "Flat Tax", changing it compared to that foreseen in the center-right program. Bernini, the leader of Forza Italia, said: "to the friends of the League we say it clearly now, in view of the hot autumn of the budget law: the flat tax is a serious project that we promised in the electoral campaign to 40,8 million taxpayers Italians and nobody must allow themselves to transform a serious commitment of the entire center into a tax reform proposal that nothing else is but a farce ".
After the tear on the issue of RAI, FI fears that the government can intervene to adopt initiatives that affect the companies of Silvio Berlusconi with extraordinary taxation on TV commercials. Occhiuto, Forza Italia's parent company has specified that "Mediaset is not just a Berlusconi company but a heritage of the country that employs thousands of people. This would be a vulgar attempt to extort against Forza Italy MPs. "