The problem of the security decree and its application on the territories has unleashed the wrath of the mayors of Milan, Naples, Palermo, Cagliari, Sassari, Nuoro, Bari and Pesaro, about thirty throughout Italy. The request is to actively participate in new changes to the provision to adapt it as much as possible to the real needs of the municipalities. For its part Matteo Salvini he does not really want to know because the provision has already made the entire parliamentary procedure, with all the necessary filings and has already been signed by the Head of State: "We have already discussed it, filed it for three months and improved it".
Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio are convinced, writes Il Messaggero, that the initiative of the mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando against the security decree was a plan orchestrated by the left to have a "noisy" argument in view of the next Europeans at the end of May.
Luigi Di Maio, the leader of the M5S supported the line of the interior minister Matteo Salvini accusing the "disobedient" mayors of thinking "only about the electoral campaign". Di Maio then goes down hard against the mayors: "To feel a little left-they make a little noise. But if you want to feel leftist, put your hand to the social rights of this country, those that the left has destroyed in recent years. Think how badly they are".
Luigi Di Maio despite the stomach ache of the fronds within the movement can not help but support Matteo Salvini, in terms of security, because he knows that it is a subject much felt by Italians, especially in the south.
Salvini against disobedient mayors"Friends of illegal immigrants, traitors of the Italians, unable to administer their cities and therefore throw it in caciara. They will have to answer to their constituents, to their fellow citizens who pay their salaries ”. Salvini advises to resign if they do not intend to apply a law approved by Parliament and signed by the head of state: “Resign! Guys we are in a democracy and the Italians rule. To those poor mayors I say that the godsend is over. If they think they are intimidating me, I say they found the wrong minister and government, I won't give up an inch".
Antonio DeCaro, president of Anci asks for a meeting with the government to discuss the effects of the Salvini law on the territories, on the difficulties of managing some aspects of the provision. And to Salvini, who reminds the opposing administrators of the "godsend is over", Decaro asks to tone down and summon the ANCI to correct the legislation. Always De Caro, in response to Matteo Salvini: "If then the minister believes that the job of mayor is a bible we are ready to give back, along with the tricolor band, all the problems that we are called daily to deal with".
The response to the premier's controversy Giuseppe Conte"Our legal system does not give them the power to operate a review of the constitutionality of laws: disapplying a law that they do not like is equivalent to violating it, with all the consequent responsibilities". However, sources in Palazzo Chigi say that Prime Minister Conte will meet the so-called disobedient mayors to try to mediate on a possible compromise.
There are about thirty first citizens who ask Decaro to convene the bodies of the association to prevent the Anci from being exploited. That the invitation to discuss is fake is shown by the broadside of Stefano Candiani, Northern League Undersecretary of the Interior, who orders Decaro to represent all the mayors, "not only those of a certain left and the Democratic Party hostile for party taken to change government", or to resign.