(By Massimiliano D'Elia) Around 18.00 the usual war bulletin read by the representative of the Protection. Hundreds of deaths announced every day, we have broken a sad world record.
Faced with this merciless scenario, the "assumptions" of the experts follow each other on various television programs and on the major Italian newspapers. From the most catastrophic when Borrelli himself, on the Republic, speaks of numbers to be multiplied, probably, by 10 to those who, however, claim that after Easter it will be possible to draw the sums of the restrictive measures imposed by means of decrees announced to "unified networks" via social. A virologist also spoke of a sort of immunity of migrants around Italy: they would have a kind of natural protection or induced by some vaccines that we inoculate them when they land in Italy, many think of that for the "tuberculosis". Experiments in this direction have started in Holland, Germany and Australia because it has been discovered that the vaccine for tuberculosis can strengthen the immune system and therefore would defend the body from Covid-19 attacks.
The Italian government, but all Italian politics seems to be on another planet, that of dreams. From the outside of the buildings, reading from the social media the mood of the citizens, the feeling is that no one trusts the national ruling class anymore, not just the political one. It is thought that they are not able to handle “real” emergencies, those where there are dead, like in a war. Yes, because what we are experiencing is a real war, where every day could be the last for each of us. Faced with this inexorable sword of Damocles, in our country and in most Western countries there is still talk of the protection of "privacy" and whether or not the South Korea method is valid, where today there are only 88 deceased and where it moves quietly on the street. In South Korea sweep tests are applied, the results are then reported on a public application. All citizens are able to track "in real time" the positive and asymptomatic compatriots in the test, adjusting themselves accordingly, not treating the poor unfortunate as plague: they pay more attention, during movements, to the safe distance and to the correct use of Dpi. An attitude light years away from our civic sense, over 100 thousand reported for not respecting the rules. Prime Minister Conte yesterday had to pass yet another decree to raise fines up to 3 thousand euros for those who violate the rules.
Faced with this somewhat surreal scenario, the widespread feeling is that it seems to be in a perennial electoral campaign. The President of the Republic had to intervene to bring together the majority and the opposition and remembering the massacre of the Fosse Ardeatine, he went back to saying: "To be reborn we need the same unity of the post-war period". In this regard, Augusto Minzolini on Il Giornale talks about it extensively, recalling that to give life to the post-war rebirth, there was a majority of national unity which went on for more than three years (from April 22, 1944, to May 31, 1947) and it created seven governments (from the second Badoglio government to the third De Gasperi government). And inside there were ideas, indeed ideologies, opposed, in comparison with which the different opinions between Europeanists and sovereigns make people laugh: there was De Gasperi who looked to Washington and Togliatti to Stalin. Yet together they put a country back on its feet. And Italy was sick, worse than today. Certainly, however, he was better off when he had a similar experience with the governments of national unity to deal with terrorism (the list of ministers was agreed between the DC and the PCI).
It would really take probably that "war cabinet" evoked by Matteo Salvini, citing the one established by Winston Churchill. Even the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi thus confided in his own: “If there was political will, given that all parties should take a step back, it would take no more than three days to create a government for all. Maybe it could be the Count himself who created the conditions. He explained to his Matteo Renzi, who will also be obnoxious, a bit braggart, but he says things for who they are. I, says Renzi, sent some signals. And I will send more when I speak to the Senate. What should I do more?"
It would be the case to put aside the political colors and really unite, because on the horizon, when we have defeated "the plague of our days", there will be a moment of global showdown on a new emergency, the economic one.