This week at the next council of ministers (Wednesday, to be confirmed) the government plans to extend the greenpass also to users of public services. So not only the obligation to public administration employees but also to users, as is the case for schools, where the use of the green card is also foreseen for parents who go inside the complexes.
The obligation, in addition to all public employees, military and police forces included, should also concern those private individuals whose activities require the European document for access (restaurants, gyms, etc.).
As regards the local transport the government is working to fine-tune the rules framework on greenpass which will also concern the definition of a public or private company, and how to consider, for the purposes of choices on the pass, companies that are legally private but which work for the public (investee companies).
La dead line for decide whether it is mandatory to the vaccination without any distinction, it is set for mid-October according to the evolution of the infections.
Meanwhile, the premier Mario Draghi, writes the Ansa, has given a mandate to the offices led by the undersecretary Roberto Garofoli to study every aspect of the matter, also collecting the observations of trade unions and companies, because you can't go wrong. Then the final evaluation will be made at the political table, with the convening of one control room of the government. At the table there Alloy could submit his requests, such as theextension to 72 hours of the validity of the tampons and the establishment of a fund to compensate those who have suffered damage from the vaccine. The control room could be preceded by a meeting of the premier with the Northern League secretary. Whoever believes in the pro-vaccine line is the secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta, also ready to support a possible government decision to introduce the vaccination obligation. The Minister of Health follows this line Roberto Speranza and the governor of Lazio, Nicola Zingaretti, which announces the start of the third dose of the vaccine in its region.