“In Europe the component of NATO countries is expanding, demonstrating the need for collaboration in national defense against external aggressions. In fact, Sweden and Finland joining NATO, with the approval of Turkey, confirm how fundamental this organization is in guaranteeing stability. In Italy, on the other hand, Gaeta is chosen, a city that symbolizes the pro-Atlantic bond, [...]

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Already yesterday, after the evening meeting with Giuseppe Conte, the Quirinale had understood that the MoVimento had to be helped to overcome the storm caused by the administrative and the split that took place thanks to Di Maio and the anger of the pentastellato leader after the indiscretions - denied by the same Draghi - who reported Chigi's pressure on [...]

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Boris Johnson confirms the UK's steadfast attitude towards Moscow shown since his first visit to President Volodymyr Zelenskyi. In fact, the British government has further expanded the black list of people affected by anti-Russian sanctions following the war in Moscow in Ukraine: from today the freezing of every entity [...]

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Mario Draghi does not intend to deviate the course and modify international commitments. Italy, the premier is convinced, will once again respond to the requests for help coming from Volodymyr Zelensky and the people of Kiev. "If Ukraine does not defend itself, there can be no peace", the premier reiterated on more than one occasion [...]

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The tour of the Italian premier, Mario Draghi in Israel started yesterday. After meeting with President Isaac Herzog, he will meet with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and then continue towards Ramallah. At the center of the talks the energy question, security and bilateral cooperation. The ties between Italy and Israel in recent decades have [...]

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Recently, the Draghi government had to apply the special powers of the golden power to block the foreign sale of Italian entrepreneurial jewels. Legislative Decree no.21 / 2012 marks the transition from a golden share regime to a golden power system. It allows the exercise of special powers with regard to all companies that carry out significant activities [...]

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“Italy, through its support for Ukraine and assuming an Atlanticist and pro-European position, has obtained credibility as a reliable interlocutor in the search for peace at the international level. That is why I reaffirm my support for Draghi so that the government continues to move unambiguously in this direction. We must prevent the humanitarian crisis from continuing to worsen, reaching [...]

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US-Italy: Senator Pacifico (CI), "shared history and heritage, necessary measures to protect Italian companies and families from the crisis" "The summit between Biden and Draghi strengthens the already solid relations between Italy and the United States, which confirms our main ally. Our countries have a shared history and heritage: our values ​​of [...]

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Before flying to the United States, the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, was in the European Parliament. The war in Ukraine causes crises on several fronts and is therefore the cause of a necessary review of the role of the European Union. Draghi has no doubts about what is wrong in the EU and calls for a review of [...]

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In the presence of the President of the Algerian Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune and the President of the Council Mario Draghi, the President of Sonatrach, Toufik Hakkar, and the CEO of Eni, Claudio Descalzi today signed an agreement in Algiers that will allow Eni to increase quantities of gas transported through the TransMed / Enrico Mattei pipeline, as part of the contracts [...]

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France and its European partners operating in Mali have announced the coordinated withdrawal from the country, where they are present with Operation Barkhane and the European special forces Takuba. "The political, operational and legal conditions are no longer satisfied" and the countries, according to a joint statement, have decided "coordinated withdrawal" from the country [...]

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The convocation of Parliament in joint session for the election of the new Head of State will arrive tomorrow, January 4, by the President of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, considering that Sergio Mattarella took office on February 3, 2015. According to the article 85 of the Constitution, in fact, "thirty days before the term" of the seven-year term expires, "the president [...]

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The state of emergency has been extended until March 31, 2022, so, with another decree presented yesterday in the Council of Ministers, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi wants to keep the country safe from the grip of the pandemic. The new Omicron variant, although less dangerous but more contagious, requires governments not to be able to lower [...]

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An extraordinary G20, so premier Mario Draghi in the final press conference: “It is easy to suggest difficult things, difficult is to carry them out. What the G20 has done is an extraordinary result that could only be achieved in a multilateral context. What we are doing today is a step forward in a difficult situation ”. "We would have preferred that all [...]

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Thus the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini on twitter after meeting the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi: “A very useful meeting: a loyal, frank and direct relationship solves every problem and finds solutions”. (by Massimiliano D'Elia) The expected face to face between Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini took place yesterday [...]

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Yesterday at the Confindustria Assembly a kind of "ovation" for Prime Minister Mario Draghi, all united in wanting to push the former governor of the Bank of Italy and the ECB to remain in the government until the end of the legislature, but many, including entrepreneurs, are convinced that it would be profitable even further, even with the next executive (March 2023). AND' […]

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This week at the next council of ministers (Wednesday, to be confirmed) the government intends to extend the green pass to users of public services. So not only the obligation to public administration employees but also to users, as is the case for schools, where the use of the green card is also foreseen for parents [...]

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In an era where computer violations and data thefts become more and more frequent and risk immobilizing the economic and social functions of a state, our country has equipped itself with a National Cybersecurity Agency, with the aim of protecting national interests. in the field of cybersecurity and [...]

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The English Finacial Times dedicates an article to Mario Draghi and to Italy, seen by many Italian and foreign observers as a new reality capable of favoring and attracting multilateralism. Italy will chair the next G20 in Venice, a forum where high-income countries join together with major emerging economic powers such as [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) NATO changes its skin, from a purely defensive alliance, under the dictates of art. 5, to a more modern, cooperative and reactive version that directs its attention towards crises, on a global level, capable of destabilizing the peace and security of the allied countries. The Secretary General of NATO, Jean Stoltenberg, in the press conference [...]

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(by Andrea Pinto) The G7 marks a new course: all compact against China after the uncompromising stance announced by the US president. The beginning of the challenge, which will probably mark our next few years, is the request addressed to Beijing to clarify the origin of the virus that many claim to have escaped from the Wuhan laboratory. Biden to [...]

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With the new Sostegni decree, which will hopefully be approved by next week, the Draghi government should provide 18 billion non-repayable contributions to companies and VAT numbers in economic difficulty. This amount will be added to the 27 billion in subsidies paid to businesses up to now in these 14 months [...]

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This week the CDM is expected to receive the 40 billion bis decree. Additional non-repayable contributions, 14 billion, will be provided for companies affected by the Covid crisis (those that have lost more than 30 percent), as well as guarantees on liquidity and incentives for restarting. There will also be new shopping vouchers and [...]

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(by Davide D'Amico) The new PNRR of the Draghi government has finally been presented to the Chambers and will be formally sent to Brussels by 30 April. After a hard work, however, in a very short time, there was also the square around the strategy, the new narrative and the implementation methods (objectives, milestones, targets, etc.). [...]

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To pass the exam in Brussels, the president of the Italian Council Mario Draghi had to call the president of the EU Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen for a discussion on the Italian PNNR. After hours of negotiations between the majority forces, the Council finally shored up the plan with some indispensable pillars such as female and youth employment. [...]

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"The trend of infections is clearly decreasing but nothing changes for bars, restaurants, gyms and swimming pools". The League considers this decree too restrictive and not in line with the real needs of the country which needs to leave again in total safety. "Our abstention in Cdm is the voice of all those companies and activities [...]

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after days of silence, during a public meeting at the Ankara library, in front of an audience of young people, called the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, who days ago called him a "rude" "dictator". Erdogan also removed another pebble from his shoe: [...]

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“We have great confidence in Italian diplomacy and in the new unified government of Libya, led by Prime Minister Abdel Hamid al Dabaiba. The visit of the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, who chose Libya for his first mission abroad since taking office, confirms the strategic importance and the deep bonds of friendship that bind [...]

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First trip abroad, the Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi today in Libya. It is not a choice dictated by chance but by the need to make it known that Italy is present. A way to restore order and re-establish the hierarchies in the North African country, which has always been in tune, albeit in alternating phases, with Italy. The occasion appears favorable [...]

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Direct aid allocated by the Conte and Draghi governments to businesses and self-employed workers in this first year of the pandemic amounts to 64,7 billion euros. Resources, however, which in large part have yet to be disbursed. The CGIA Studies Office estimates that up to now Italian entrepreneurs have benefited from 27 billion [...]

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“I will visit Libya on April 6 or 7, in the first week of the month. It is clear that Italy defends its international interests and cooperation in Libya and in the Mediterranean. If there were opposing interests, Italy must have no doubts about defending its international interests, nor must it have reverential fears towards [...]

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The draft of the Italian Recovery Plan is now in the committees of the two Chambers, around 30 March there will be the approval in Parliament of a plan where the common denominator has already been dictated by Draghi: “Spend European funds well, spend them all. Focus on women and young people. Stopping the growing gap [...]

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Yesterday Mario Draghi spoke to the Italians with 7 minutes of video: “I do not want to promise anything that is not really achievable, in these days we are facing a new worsening of the health emergency. Our task is to safeguard the lives of Italians by every means and allow a return as soon as possible [...]

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(by Rosangela Cesareo, Head of Institutional Relations at AIDR) Communicate only when there is something to say: let the facts speak for themselves. The new Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, made it clear during his first Council of Ministers. Since then he has strictly observed this line and the Italians are witnessing great silences. Draghi has certainly upset the [...]

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(by Mauro Nicastri, AIDR President) If we were to find a word that best represents President Draghi's speech in the Senate, we would have no doubts in identifying it in the word AWARENESS. Awareness of the serious health and economic crisis that our country is going through, and of the serious suffering suffered by Italians caused by the loss of so many loved ones, [...]

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The vote of confidence in the Draghi government is expected for this evening after 22 pm Tomorrow will be the turn of the Chamber. Secretary Dem Zingaretti launches an appeal to the other political forces that support the Executive: 'Now enough quarrels. We are there '. The premier's speech in the hall of Palazzo Madama The first thought I would like to share, in asking [...]

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On the day of the oath in Europe, Draghi is called Super Mario, the man who at the helm of the European Central Bank saved the single currency and who is now preparing to save his country. "His experience will be an extraordinary resource not only for Italy, but for all of Europe, especially in such a difficult time", [...]

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(by Mauro Nicastri, president of AIDR) A precise schedule, few and specific steps. The prime minister in charge Mario Draghi has already outlined the list of priorities in his speech at the Quirinale: "awareness of the emergency requires responses that are at the height of the situation - said the former President of the ECB - aware of the extremely delicate moment that the country is facing, immediately adding [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) In the end Matteo Renzi won, he turned off the spotlight on Giuseppe Conte and interrupted the common thread between M5S and Pd, the type I created you and I destroyed you. It is no coincidence that what we wrote about a month ago has been confirmed, the Pd with the remote control [...]

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(by Francesco Matera) Matteo Salvini marginally shared the contents of the interview made by Corriere della Sera by his "colonel" Giancarlo Giorgetti who spoke of a center-right not ready to govern the country. Salvini, on the sidelines of the presentation of Bruno Vespa's book, in fact said: "If there are no elections, the alternative is [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) The 27 heads of state and government agree only on one front: to implement greater coordination on the health aspects of the emergency. On the rest they remain separated in a house made of cardboard and without foundations. Yesterday, for the first time, the summit of the 27 heads of state and government took place [...]

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The Bank of Italy certified the Italian public debt for the year 2018: it rose by 53,2 billion to 2.316,7 billion. Economist Renato Brunetta of Forza Italia immediately commented on the data: “With Italy entering recession from the fourth quarter of 2018, the 2019 debt / GDP ratio will be higher than the estimated 2,04%, probably between [ ...]

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