Just as the candidates for the right-wing Fratelli d'Italia are about to sign the anti-incipitous pact, Giorgia Meloni, during an interview with a prestigious national newspaper, highlights the attitude of her allies, Silvio Berlusconi, Matteo Salvini and of the candidates of their parties, apparently reluctant to sign this pact deemed absolutely necessary by the leader of the Brothers of Italy.
"This absence does not leave me quiet" says Giorgia Meloni who then adds:
"Berlusconi claims that among the allies we must trust, but in this legislature we have seen serious phenomena of transformation, dozens and dozens of changes of tunic, governments supported by the center or made together with the center. Did they dream of them? Governments that have made lobbying interests and have sold Italy. So our initiative serves to make things clear: Brothers of Italy will never support governments with the Democratic Party or 5 Stars. I do not understand the difficulty in participating in this initiative, except if you do not have a plan B in your head ". And of plan B Giorgia Meloni does not want to hear about it especially if this were to foresee the much feared misperception between the sides of the right and the left. "Brothers of Italy - reaffirms Giorgia Meloni - will not vote for a political mess. Without a majority, one goes to the elections. The Italians have only two choices: the 4 March: either the center-right wins, the only one among the three forces in the field that can produce a majority in the polls, or it will be chaos, inciucio or another government made on the citizens' skin " .
If a majority does not emerge from the vote scheduled for the next 5 March, the leader of the Brothers of Italy is firmly convinced that "we will have to go back to the polls with a new electoral law that can be done in two days. Who wrote this law that we did not vote, knew that it would be very difficult to elect a majority. Now Berlusconi says 'let's keep Gentiloni for the time necessary to approve a new law and then go back to the polls'. The last time we waited to make a new electoral law we held Gentiloni almost two years ".
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