Salvini: "Rome returns to capital" and everyone acclaims Bongiorno as the next mayor

"Rome returns to the capital", the slogan used by Matteo Salvini yesterday at Teatro Italia. Over a thousand participants in the first event of the League to look out over the upcoming Capitoline elections. Present, militants, activists, local councilors, leaders and parliamentarians.

"I hope that in Rome, and also in Lazio and also in Italy, we will vote in the spring. Let's get ready to winWe will have a neighborhood-by-neighborhood drawing and a Transportation Plan, a Waste Plan, a Road Maintenance Plan"

So he thundered from the stage  Giulia Bongiorno: "To raise up and relaunch Rome you need rules, rigor and courage". Everyone then shouted: "The mayor must do it yourself".

Barbara Saltamartini too: “You the mayor. Enough with the Rays and enough with Zingaretti, with Bettini and with all the others. Salvini instead said: "I wrote a letter to Santa Claus to tell him to send these two home. They have failed in everything. And a no-confidence motion against Zingaretti should be voted on to the region  in its place only a name Claudio Durigon.

Salvini therefore wants to explain the five-star debacle: "M5S, which is now part of the left, lives in the culture of suspicion. They are all presumed corrupt, all presumed guilty. And then nobody does anything. Therefore Rome is blocked. But we will free it".

Many videos are shown. In one you hear the voice of a citizen who asks the health service: "How much can I make a tac?". They will meet you in August 2020. Another phone call: "When can I do a colonoscopy?" October 2020.

Giulia Bongiorno wanted to tell her personal experience for a simple renewal of the identity card: "in Rome it takes years and years for this simple and important thing….".

There is still no talk of candidates but Salvini is certain that the Capitol belongs to the League: "Our party has the honest and competent personalities to govern this city, but also this Region, ended up in the hands of the incapable".


Salvini: "Rome returns to capital" and everyone acclaims Bongiorno as the next mayor