Luigi Di Maio and Matteo Salvini are in the final stages to try to find the balance of the next M5S-Lega traction executive. Many names circulated for the office of prime minister, perhaps too many, with the real risk that some candidates have been 'burned' by shooting in the pile. Before Di Maio, then Giorgetti, followed by the M5S deputy expert in justice, Alfonso Bonafede, that of Giulio Sapelli, subsequently of Vincenzo Conte (whispered in the ear of the Colle as a hypothesis in the last round of consultations), of the senior police Camera, Riccardo Fraccaro, and finally Matteo Salvini and the former director of 'Sky tg24' and today a pentastellato parliamentarian, Emilio Carelli.
In the corridors of the political buildings, however, with notebooks closed, an (insistent) rumor has leaked from various sources in the M5S area on a method shared by the two protagonists of the current political phase. Basically, the basis of this agreement would provide that if Di Maio went to head of the government, then the government team would be 20 ministers and the important proxies (Interior, Defense, Labor, Economy) would go to the League. If, on the other hand, an exponent of the Carroccio sat at Palazzo Chigi (the figure identified would be that of Giancarlo Giorgetti), the counterweights would all be in favor of the Movement, which would also bring home a greater number of dicasteries. However, the 'neutral' hypothesis also remains standing, with a third man pleasing to both shareholders of the new executive. In this case Di Maio and Salvini would enter the game to give a high political value to the team.
What will be the final choice will also be affected by the compromise that the political leader and federal secretary will adopt on some issues that are still open in the 'contract'. So far the agreement has been reached, among other things, on the euro (no exit or referendum, the line on the single currency will be decided from time to time with the European partners), citizenship income, flat tax, drastic cut in the costs of policy with an accompanying reduction in the number of parliamentarians and mandatory vaccines. The line on the EU remains to be defined, a decisive point, in particular for the League.
Particularly after the first drafts of the government program were released, negative signals arrived from the markets. The spread has risen above 150 and the stock has lost 2,3%. Tomorrow we will finally know the future of the legislature, linked to the birth or not of the new government.