(by Andrea Pinto) "Something unheard of happened. A point of no return in our democracy. Such a thing is out of this world, it is worthy of a totalitarian regime! Where has it ever been seen that a prime minister calls a unified network press conference to talk not about what he does and will do, but about me? And without contradiction. The game is not equal, you cannot make an institutional speech and, with the excuse, shovel mud on the opposition". The leader of Fratelli d'Italia is “inc. …..Black".
Prime Minister Conte yesterday at the time when all Italians are at dinner communicated that another sacrifice is needed, closed at home until May 3. Conte's speech though has taken a not really institutional drift when talking about the Mes (European financial fund which has as its objective the financial stability of the euro area) and the first draft resolution issued by the Eurogroup attacked the opposition. He said verbatim that Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni only released "fake news", because the Mes treaty was not signed yesterday but in 2012 just when the two leaders of the current opposition were in government. Without a contradiction, the Italian premier made it really big this time. In the world of communication, the one that matters, everyone was horrified, until midnight the major Italian journalists published their "astonished" comments on social media. The same director, meek, Enrico Mentana he wrote on Fb that if he had known before that attack on the opposition he would certainly not have aired that part.
There are two truths: it is true that the Mes treaty was signed in 2012, but it is also true that both the Lega and Meloni, during the parliamentary passage, never voted in favor, while in 2012 at Palazzo Chigi there was Mario Monti.
Giorgia Meloni in an interview in Corriere della Sera he had the opportunity to reply: "I was neither in government nor in majority. There was Monti! But what is it about? I said that the Eurogroup was told yes to an instrument that the government claimed not to consider. And it's the truth. Is MES or is it not one of the lines of financing provided for in the document signed by Gualtieri? I claim to have my say with the same visibility as Conte. Rai give me the space to reply, live on TV, to a disproportionate attack. I expect the President of the Republic to intervene on such a serious matter. Conte is premier ... and what does it mean? Since he rules by barrel of decrees, do you think that Italy belongs to him, that the TV is his, that he can do whatever he wants? Handle a lot, power gave him to the E head. skipped all rules".
The president of Conte Council also accused the opposition of making its work in Europe much more difficult. In this regard, Meloni states: "But yesterday all day I said that I shared his positions, that it was right to say that if Europe had remained deaf we would have done it alone, that it was right to fight so that Italy was not humiliated and that it should not be activated the Mes. I was on his side. Now he is doing propaganda. It takes advantage of this to increase its popularity. I don't need it. I am a patriot, I know how difficult it is to fight for your country and it wasn't me who made Merkel's salamelecchi, but him. If we go with our heads held high, I'm happy, that's what I'm asking".
On Conte's firm position on euro bonds, the leader of FdI said: "We'll see. If he wins, I will be happy because I love Italy. But to win this battle did you need a place like that? I'm afraid it's just propaganda. As I have seen too many times".
On the tension between the Conte government and the opposition. "Certainly not our fault: we made serious, concrete proposals, without partisan interests. All were rejected. In Cura Italia there has been an ideological closure towards us. Now we will see what will happen on the liquidity decree. The great fear is that it will be resolved with a deal for the banks and much less for those who ask for loans, which will perhaps serve to pay off other past loans granted by the banks ".
Thus the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini on his Fb profile: "Using state TV to tell lies and hold a rally against Salvini and the opposition is regime stuff, Soviet Union stuff. Why didn't they block the MES? Why does the PD want the property tax? Why do the 5Stelle still want to block the TAV? Why does Leu want to tax the house and savings of Italians? Where is the promised layoffs? When does the money really arrive? What happened to the mortgage blockade for those in difficulty? What do they do to help those who can't pay rents, installments and bills? Why don't they really help VAT and self-employed people? When will the money promised to businesses arrive? Always #hits of Salvini?
Other than "collaboration", what a disappointment, Mr. Conte ".