Delmastro. Government objective of full coverage of the organic plant

In the various reports of the Courts of Appeal for the inauguration of the judicial year, a merciless picture emerged of the lack of staff of the magistrates. A photograph that sounds like a condemnation without appeal for those who, in the last 15 years, have not been able to provide answers.

I am proud to be able to point out that in just over a year of Government, the resources have been found to announce various competitions for ordinary magistrates which, also taking retirements into account, should lead to the almost total saturation of the workforce.

I would like to remind you that the current competitions concern 1492 units of ordinary magistrates: a cyclopean effort to achieve, in the legislature, the epochal result of covering the organic structure.

We therefore join in the criticism of what was overlooked in the past by those who had government responsibilities, but I want to reassure citizens: as those responsible for the current government action, we have moved from legitimate criticism to solving the problem with planned hiring.

This is what he declares in a note Andrea Delmastro of the Widows, Deputy of the Brothers of Italy and Undersecretary of State for Justice.

Delmastro. Government objective of full coverage of the organic plant