Defense: Aeronautics increasingly social, also present on Telegram

THEair Force it is an Armed Force which, for tactical needs, must always be projected forward and it does so also in the world of communication. Much attention is paid to the new means that social networks make available to those who want to inform and always be on the wave of digital information in a timely manner, almost in "real time". The Arma Azzurra has therefore also created su  Telegram a dedicated channel. The messaging application, with over 200 million monthly active users, is only the latest channel through which you can stay updated on aeronautical information and receive news for free and in real time on the main activities of the Armed Force, from the most operational and training, up to those related to various thematic areas such as the promotion of events, competitions, historical and technical-professional insights.

To activate the new channel just download the Telegram app on your smartphone, search for the Aeronautica Militare channel at the following link and click on “Join”.


Telegram joins the array of instruments with which the Air Force faces the panorama of digital communication. The social platforms Facebook (@AeronauticaMilitareOfficialPage,) Twitter (@ItalianAirForce), Instagram (@ aeronautica.militare) and Youtube (@Aeronautica Militare) of the Italian Air Force reach millions of users every day telling a modern and avant-garde Armed Force that thanks to men and women in blue he works every day in the service of the country.



Defense: Aeronautics increasingly social, also present on Telegram