Erectile dysfunction: in the shock waves the cure of the future?

(by Nicola Simonetti) Viagra, Cialis and Levitra (over 96 millions of tablets sold by 1998, year of Viagra marketing) remedies against erectile dysfunction (better known as male impotence) on the way to the sunset?

An Italian multicentre study, coordinated by the Italian Society of Andrology, of which the Urology Complex Operative Unit of the Monopoli hospital (Bari) is the leader, used shock waves (non-invasive and "passed" service from the National Health Service ) gave positive results in 70% of patients with mild / moderate dysfunction, allowing them to return to normal sexuality. Noticeable results even in severe forms.

“Low intensity shock waves, if well oriented - say Ricapito and Palumbo - awaken the function that has fallen asleep.

The effectiveness of shock waves is related to the effect of impulse on the affected area and to overcoming the elastic characteristics of the fabric itself. The consequence is an increase in vascularization in the affected area, just what is lacking in these subjects. In these, the waves give an impulse to the formation of new vessels (neoangiogenesis), the circulation in the penis returns normal ensuring efficient erection ".

These are high-energy acoustic waves applied to the penis through a specific device, in six sessions of 10-20 minutes each, without side effects. The treatment is quick, painless, effective.

Objective evaluation of efficacy was done with penile echocolordoppler and with questionnaires on sexual activity. Which has enhanced research and results on which a "placebo effect" could have been called into question.

Instead, it has been demonstrated objectively that the modification-increase in local circulation is effective and that, to this, the statements of the same patients correspond.

Patients who used "love pills" stopped using it after shockwave treatment.

In Europe alone 30 million men suffer from erectile dysfunction, and three million of these live in Italy and those who use Viagra or Cialis or Levitra are the second consumers in Europe. We must add the many who have relied on the black market and fakes (the risk is around the corner) as reported to the Senate (Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry), representing the Italian Society of Urology, by prof. Francesco Carrieri, full professor of urology and clinical director of urology and kidney transplants, University of Foggia.

Our technique - says Dr. Ricapito - can be used to treat patients with vascular, diabetic, and cardiac disorders, and in particular to those whose "pill" is contraindicated or does not act (over 35%).

Shockwave administration provides very promising results and is also proposed for patients whose "pill" is contraindicated and even at-risk-taking. "

By the way, the strong impact on women of male sexual problems should also be noted, which emerged from the meeting held last December in Milan, promoted by Onda, the National Observatory on Women's Health with the collaboration of Doc Generici. The erectile dysfunction of the partner - emerges from a French study - is an obstacle to their quality of life (32%), their personal balance (25%), the couple relationship (25%), undermines self-confidence ( 20%). It is responsible for more depressive syndromes in women, more conflicts in the couple and more desires for infidelity.

"A recent study conducted in South East Asia on over 2.500 patients has shown - says Claudio Mencacci, director of the mental health and neuroscience department of the ASST FBF e Sacco in Milan - how erectile dysfunction is responsible for more than double the risk of depression in man (2,24) compared to those who do not have the problem, with all the repercussions on the well-being of the couple that this entails. Getting closer to treatment and a better quality of life remains a goal for those suffering from erectile dysfunction on both a biological and emotional basis. Unfortunately, men tend not to take care of themselves and only 1 in 4/1 in 5 ask for help to improve their emotional and sexual interaction ". Among other things, the conference talked about "increased accessibility of the tadalafil molecule, and the consequent probable and desirable reduction in online purchases of often counterfeit and unsafe products, are certainly positive elements for promoting an adequate use that also benefits to global and psychological vascular well-being "(Mencacci).

“I believe it is important for the health of the woman and the couple - says Francesca Merzagora, President of Onda - to be able to live one's intimacy in a more serene way. We know how important physicality is for a lasting romantic relationship, therefore any initiative that facilitates this aspect can only be welcomed ".

Erectile dysfunction: in the shock waves the cure of the future?