A mobile unit in three regions for free visits and exams: the first results are unexpected (by Nicola Simonetti) The campaign for the prevention of diseases of the retina and optic nerve that the Ministry of Health has entrusted to the management of the International Agency for Prevention of Blindness - IAPB Italia Onlus, based on a [...]

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Italian pharmaceutical industry goes like a Ferrari of the best times - Doxa Pharma survey: research, innovation, welfare and investments at the top (by Nicola Simonetti) Italian pharmaceutical industry on top in Europe. "It goes like a Ferrari of the best times and grows in the general reputation which - said Dr. Giuseppe Venturelli, of Doxa Pharma [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Thermoablation and Interventional Radiology: a center of excellence is operating at the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital, able to guarantee a patient path with all the therapeutic options necessary for the treatment and care of the cancer patient A jump forward on four feet, each of which is called: surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti and Donatella Tansella) Four eye diseases, in particular, to keep an eye on and focus on: glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, maculopathies, keratoconus. A "gang" of sight thieves who have already "robbed" over 60 million people around the world (of 30 million have already taken all the visual capital, making them blind). If there were […]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Coffee, a concentrate of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant active ingredients such as polyphenols, etc. that, in doses of three to five cups a day, would reduce the risk of suffering from heart attacks and strokes, hypertension and even mortality from these causes by up to 15%. This is confirmed by a recent research carried out at Queen [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Doctors from the Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas returned, 3D printed, the heart they had taken from a patient and replaced with another transplanted one. That heart was badly damaged so it had to be replaced. Now the "gift" of the old heart in 3D will serve his [...]

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The jellyfish says: a caress of mine will burn you but if I'm from the tropics it can kill you (by Nicola Simonetti) They don't sting, they don't bite, they don't scratch but they caress. A stinging caress, that of the jellyfish. Just touch the fascinating tentacles to feel pain, skin irritation, swelling and redness. Sometimes they don't even caress but send [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) The updated edition of the Essential Medicines List - EML 2019 has just been published by the World Health Organization (WHO). This is the 21st edition of a document that WHO proposes every two years as a guide to member countries to prioritize products that offer "optimal access and effective solutions [...]

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Regarding colorectal cancers: it can represent an important risk factor for cancer, or a formidable weapon of prevention against these same cancers. It depends on the type and how this diet is structured and practiced (by Nicola Simonetti) A US research reveals that, in 2015, over 80 thousand new cases of cancer were attributable [...]

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“Liberate life”, an international campaign in 13 European countries, in favor of people with haemophilia. Stories of dreams that haemophilia cannot stop "(Nicola Simonetti)" Libera la Vita "is part of the international campaign" Liberate Life "which, active in 13 European countries, directly involves people with haemophilia to offer a new vision of life beyond [...]

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SMA or spinal muscular atrophy, a rare disease (1.000 patients currently live in Italy; affected in 1 newborn out of 1.000) of genetic origin. The affected child unfortunately resembles a rag doll. It does not stand up, it does not walk, it cannot make autonomous movements aimed at it. (by Nicola Simonetti) The disease is transmitted when [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Biosimilar medicines are biotechnological medicines developed in such a way as to be extremely similar in quality, efficacy and safety to an already authorized biotechnological medicine ("originator or reference medicine"). The biosimilar has significantly lower costs without the efficacy and safety being lower than the originator. But doubts, reservations and refusals or consents have [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Preparations for next summer are already in the works. Reservations, travel plans, home, pleasure, friends are already part of the agenda. In most of the related "files", recommendations for health and the tools for its protection and therapy are missing. A drug kit for self-medication is essential to deal with [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Its use for this purpose is disputed above all in consideration of both the side effects (brain neoplasia) on the psyche and the irreversibility of the consequences on sex. From France comes the report that one of these cyproterone acetate-based products exposes you to the risk of brain tumor. Usually, this product is [...]

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Surgical robots are multiplying but by now many are questioning their effectiveness and opportunity and wondering if "the game is worth the candle", that is, the cost-benefit ratio is in favor of the latter. The high cost of the devices was also reported - according to some "to a limited competition which, however, could, in the short term, [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Depressed around the world (at least 121 million people, increased - says the WHO - in 10 years, by 20%; in Italy, 3,5 million depressed; in Europe over 35 million) give yourself hand for a protest circle that turns the equator twice. Two thirds of those affected are women. In [...]

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(Nicola Simonetti) The short "La faim va tout droit", an Italian-French co-production directed by Giulia Canella, which tells about anorexia from an unusual male point of view, wins the City of Latina Award at the "Filmdipeso" short festival . The Short Film Festival, "Filmdipeso" in Latina (III edition promoted by the Bariatric Center of Excellence, Sapienza University of [...]

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Digital health: in Italy doctor-patient-companies still use e-mails and text messages - reduce the gap with the EU - monitor chronicity (by Nicola Simonetti) It has been shown that digitalization can play, in healthcare, both in the provision of new models of care, as in favor of the sustainability of the Health Service. But Italy denounces backwardness: investments appear to be insufficient [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) The men of the first twenty years of the new century? More and more stressed and one in 10 of them suffers from a health disorder resulting from the situation and, for 6 out of 10, work activity (especially accentuated by the crisis following the 2008 economic crisis) is the main cause of stress and disorders: one [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) "World Brain Week", organized by the Italian Society of Neurology (SIN) to which ALICe. Italia Onlus, Association for the fight against cerebral stroke confirms its commitment. Central theme: "Protect your brain". Stroke is not - as previously believed - an event typical of the third age. The recent case of the actor Luke Perry killed by the stroke [...]

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“Female heart attack and cardiovascular disease” A caress can make the difference. (by Nicola Simonetti) The heart has its own organic but, above all, symbolic life. Stress, depression (in women twice as frequent as in men) or other offenses are "telephoned" from the brain to the heart which suffers and - recent characterization - yes [...]

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- first time in the world - a diseased gene, responsible for profound deafness [...]

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(Nicola Simonetti) From San Diego (USA) the American Society of Hematology (ASH) gathered for the "most important scientific event of the year on the subject", affirms that, thanks to new therapies, mortality from blood cancer is reduced . Currently, most of these pathologies have a poor diagnosis but, in recent decades, steps have been taken by [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Seeing is believing. The spokesperson is prof. Laura Dell'Erba, former head of nuclear medicine and endocrinologist, member of the Georgofili Academy, who summarized its virtues in an agile booklet (“The health properties of the cardoncello mushroom” - IFE Group / Micotec ed.). In the twentieth century - says the to. - the research conducted [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) "There is puru lu masculu" - "there is also the man" - alongside the woman with cancer in 8 cases out of 10. This is attested by the Doxa survey (the first of its kind) promoted by Salute Donna Onlus and Salute Uomo Onlus with the patronage of the AIOM Foundation and CIPOMO which involved 11 Oncology Centers distributed throughout the territory [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Pneumorel antitussive (active ingredient "fenspiride" with anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties that oppose the constriction of the bronchi), produced by the pharmaceutical company Servier, was officially withdrawn from the French trade due to the risk of heart rhythm alterations (QT interval increase) recently identified and confirmed by experimental controls conducted in collaboration with [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Electrochemotherapy, the latest less invasive technique created to remove tumors, adding interventional oncology (recent radiological discipline), imaging technique and chemotherapy. "More precise, more effective, less invasive", the novelty made, for the first time, two months ago (now made known), in France, at the Tenon hospital (AP-HP, Paris), on a patient affected by [ ...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Multiple Myeloma, almost a new disease changed by a revolution thanks to positive modernity, innovative drugs, more active, less toxic, more manageable and capable of modifying, making the course of the pathology in which phases alternate less inclement symptomatic activation and remission phases. The latter are now increasingly [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) The National Health Service is 40 years old and it shows them all even if it has pursued the objectives of universality and solidarity and the offer of good quality services spread throughout the territory (unfortunately not equally as in the premises). Many cracks and needs revealed that require profound adjustment to the situation [...]

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Recommendations for hospital use published (by Nicola Simonetti) A decalogue prepared by experts in surgery and hospital technology to say "stop surgical infections" responsible for discomfort, nine days (average) more hospitalization, further risks, even serious ones, from reoperation to the change of any inserted prosthesis, to sepsis, to disability, increase in the cost of the disease [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Few people know it except those whose data represents nightmare, risk of disease risk (hypercholesterolemia) because too much cholesterol in the blood, sooner or later, could lead to a cardiovascular event (heart attack, stroke of varying severity) . Prevention is a must. Lifestyle is important and - says research [...]

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(Nicola Simonetti) A hope of a solution to the tremor and other symptoms comes from Japan. is launched, with a clinical "trial". The professor. Jun Takahashi and collaborators injected, by means of a specialized device placed in the skull through a hole of 12 millimeters in diameter, in the brains of seven patients (volunteers who will be followed, step [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) The followers of this terrible blood tumor "go up in disorder and hopelessly the valleys, which they had descended with proud confidence". Myeloma, an aggressive form of blood cancer, under the blows of the saber and foil of research, recoils, repeatedly "touched" by the progress of innovation, shrinks dramatically and patients [...]

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Twelfth commandment: cure every sick person, at best, wherever they are (by Nicla Simonetti) Lung cancer is the form of cancer in which tobacco smoking represents the most important risk factor. The likelihood of developing the disease is 14 times higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Increase [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Headache. It is estimated that at least 26 million people suffer from headaches in Italy, that is almost one in two people. A very widespread problem therefore, which spares no one, including children and which the WHO considers one of the worst diseases in terms of disability experienced by the young - adult patient and [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) A billion people in the world live today with a significant neurological disorder that affects their psycho-physical and relational balance and deteriorates their quality of life. In Italy: 5 million suffer from migraines, including chronic migraines (constant pain for more than 15 days a month) in particular women; 120.000 [...]

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(Nicola Simonetti) Problems of the cancer planet. Over 3.300.000 Italians (5% of the population) are living with a tumor which is expected to add 373.000 new cases (more than 1.000 a day) of cancer this year. Each patient has encountered and collides with inequalities of treatment that originate different and often conflicting times and quality of performance. [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) Viagra, Cialis and Levitra (over 96 million tablets sold since 1998, the year of marketing of Viagra) remedies against erectile dysfunction (better known as male impotence) on the way to the sunset? An Italian multicentre study, coordinated by the Italian Society of Andrology, of which the complex operating unit of urology of the hospital of Monopoli (Bari) [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) “A fascinating but also frightening matter because - says Amedeo Cesta (Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the CNR) - it opens up the imagination towards feared horizons of job loss and the replacement of man by machines. Concerns understandable but far from the orderly development of this sector. Stereotypes are already being repeated [...]

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(by Nicola Simonetti) 10 October: “Obesity day” or obesity not to be criminalized, not to be envisaged as an aesthetic problem but as it, in fact, is: a disease. It is appropriate no longer to indicate these subjects with the term "obese" but as "people with obesity". The national campaign for the awareness and prevention of obesity and overweight, promoted [...]

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