The online platform of the Ministry of Justice is ready to be restarted, which manages the data of candidates for the next qualifying examination for the legal profession.

For the reactivation, the Courts of Appeal are expected to provide for the necessary recalendarization of the summons.

After two days of checks, the technicians identified the origin of the flaw in a security application, which made the sensitive data of some members visible for a few hours.

Immediately a report was made to the Postal Police. In the meantime, the Ministry's technicians have already checked all the data and eliminated any changes made after midnight on May 13 for safety reasons. The first report of malfunction dates back to 7.56 am on 14 May.

The problem, now solved, does not hinder the next performance of the exams, but the platform will be operational again only after the Courts of Appeal have updated, if necessary, their exam calendars. Where necessary, the postponement of a few days in the beginning of the convocations is not excluded.

As soon as possible, the timetable for the start of trials in all the Courts of Appeal will be published on the website of the Ministry of Justice.

Attorney exam, platform ready for reboot. Soon the start of the tests

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