International Students Day

Valditara: "Sacrifice of children and teachers in 1939 must inspire us to create an increasingly open and welcoming school, which rejects all violence and totalitarianism"

“International Students' Day reminds us that the right to study and freedom of expression are pillars of a free and democratic society, and that it is our duty to exercise and transmit these values ​​from the early years of school. This date brings to mind the atrocious massacre carried out by the Nazis in what was then Czechoslovakia on 17 November 1939, which culminated with the deportation of 1.200 children to concentration camps and the killing of 9 people, including students and professors.

The courage shown by those young people and their teachers must inspire us to give impetus to a school that is truly free and increasingly focused on enhancing the student as a person, bringing out and realizing his talents."

Thus Giuseppe Valditara, Minister of Education and Merit.

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International Students Day