Justice, contracts of UPP employees extended and double track for electronic criminal trials

The extension for the employees of the Trial Office and the extension of the double track for the filing of judicial documents, as hoped for by magistrates and lawyers. These are the main innovations - in terms of justice - approved by yesterday's Council of Ministers.

On the proposal of the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, the Council of Ministers gave the green light to the extension of contracts for young people from the Trial Office, already hired in previous competitions. This is one of the measures envisaged by the Pnrr, subject to negotiation with the European Commission, which authorized the extension until 30 June 2026 of the fixed-term contract for employees already in service. 

New hires of staff at judicial offices will follow shortly, to complete the objectives agreed with Europe.

As requested by magistrates and lawyers, however, the double track for the filing of judicial documents is maintained, with the mandatory online criminal trial being postponed to 31 December 2024.

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Justice, contracts of UPP employees extended and double track for electronic criminal trials