Satanism in Italy

(by Massimo Montinari) As I have already described in previous articles, the presence of the "seven" or "caste”In Italy it is growing steadily, particularly in the medium-high social classes and in the student / university population. Among the different types, the satanic ones are considered the most dangerous because of the negative character that must distinguish each individual adept and the ritualistic practices of death that some carry out.

The satanic sects, as I have already described above, represent hierarchically organized groups at the top of which there is a leader, defined as "leader”, Which acts as a link between the group and satan. In addition to the usual adepts there are also the adepts defined "accessories”, Often women and children who are plagiarized or influenced by older initiates, through mental manipulations and physical actions, in order to be exploited in satanic sexual rituals.

Satanists are described as particularly "charismatic" personalities who manage to influence adepts using powerful suggestion techniques or mental manipulation strategies, as described above. As usually happens, the "leader”They prefer to recruit people who are easily vulnerable and without points of reference, such as people who have moved away from their family of origin or from the church.

The inclusion in the "sect", O "caste", Provides a ritual initiation, which allows the adept to replace his personality with a"cult personality".

Mind manipulation techniques, also referred to as psychological manipulation, play a fundamental role in the recruitment of new followers. They almost never use explicit coercive methods: on the contrary, the leaders identify people's weaknesses and offer them very inviting alternatives to solve their problems, in particular by proposing the possibility of achieving success and an insertion into social life and economic that could lead them to the peak of their career.

These therefore have the feeling of having found a guide with strong powers and strategic knowledge for the pursuit of their successful goals, therefore the leaders of the satanic sects obtain from their followers a consent motivated by suggestion, which leads them to believe they have special knowledge , or powers, so much so that they will be able to fulfill their career and economic expectations through belonging to the same sect. Adepts see the satanic sect as a fundamental point of reference for their life and remain involved in it.

Unlike other "sects" or "psycho-sects", Satanists do not all live together in a community, maintaining a covering facade in society; professionals, politicians, often enrolled in the legal world or in the economic / financial world, young university students frequently belong to it. These continue to make their own lives on a daily basis and have the feeling that they have freely chosen to share the evil power with others.

If it is true that in the phase of recruiting new followers, persuasion techniques never use explicit coercive methods, instead the persuasion techniques adopted by the leader and members become more coercive both when it is necessary to preserve sectarian secrecy, that is, when you fear that one of the followers reveals something about the sect to the outside, both when a member of the group wants to abandon the "coven".

At this precise moment very strong physical and psychological pressures are exerted. In the initial phase, the other members of the sect simply try to involve the adept who expresses doubts in having a dialogue with them to dissolve them, but if this does not happen, the group gets closer around the adept, with strongly flattering attitudes, involving him even more in the sexual activities of the same group. Hence the request to be available for sexual activities with several men or women at the same time.

When even these methods of persuasion do not achieve the intended purpose of making the adept change his mind to keep him in the group, he is threatened and blackmailed. The threats and blackmail initially are directed against the same adept but, if they are not enough, they also fall on his family members and the people who are dear to him.

Mental manipulation is the optimal means used to weld group membership and to maintain consensus, sometimes reinforced by the use of drugs or hypnosis techniques. This manipulation sometimes makes use of videos or messages sent to the adept also on the web, made by self-styled psychologists in the form of information / behavioral doctrine largely aimed at increasing their self-esteem and at removing the adept from the family unit or from what the sect considers an obstacle to achieving its primary purpose.

The technique is to generate hatred towards the family member who is more difficult to break down, or who cannot be involved, while in several cases the same sect identifies another "receptive" family member who also becomes an instrument of persuasion towards the same adept. In this way the partial involvement of entire families is realized where more people create a real "alliance" to break down what they consider the main obstacle that opposes the realization of the purpose of the "sect".

Considering that the primary aim of the sect is the achievement of economic and power satisfaction, violent aggression is against those who would have the opportunity to provide them with wealth and economy and who has not succumbed to the criminal / demonic designs implemented. It is possible to find this picture in the course of judicial police investigations following criminal events with which the chronicles are full: the real "motive" for crimes that have never reached a clear definition.

The most difficult situation in which to intervene is when the adept maintains relations of frequentation or closeness with family members already accustomed to the use of psychotropic drugs, alcohol or drugs who live in symbiosis with "sorceresses", "sorcerers", "fortune tellers", self-styled psychologists , or psychotherapists who mark the moments of their daily life with "advice" and behavioral orientations. In these cases the adept / victim suffers a double involvement, both from the "leader" and from the family member already involved in esoteric practices. In this case, the vision of real life becomes completely artificial and the adept, now dissociated from reality, experiences a violent and irrational phase that leads him to commit any type of crime.

Modern psychiatry tries to formulate one of those diagnoses listed in the DSM-V, not considering the "mental involvement" suffered by such people. Documented research on the scientific nature of a problem distracts the examiner from investigating a very different field from the exclusively psychiatric one.

In general, it is simply Satanist activity that persuades the adept to remain within the sect, in fact it is unlikely that an adept convinced that he has increased his energetic and psychic power through rituals could abandon the "sect" or the " caste". The involvement is such that, when the requests he made to the devil are not fulfilled, he is convinced that he has not had enough faith or that he has not performed the "rites" correctly so he feels obliged to make more bloody "sacrifices" .

In this, "mental manipulation" is a relationship strategy used to destroy the individual's identity. Generally, as mentioned in other passages, "mental manipulation" is used by one or more people, with criminal ends, who try to subdue other individuals, through a power relationship that aims to annul and exploit the victim's identity aimed at achievement of one's goals; a strategy that threatens the integrity and autonomy of the individual as it encourages dependence and reduces autonomy.


Satanism in Italy