(by Massimo Montinari) Satanism, like any "congregation" that you want to enforce, comes with different types, a range of choices towards which the new adept can approach and make them his own. Clarifier is a study published in HUMAN AND DIABOLIC DECEPTIONS (Diosalva.net), of which some very interesting passages are reported in full. Occultist Satanism [...]

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(by Massimo Montinari) Even Satanism has its currents that are respected, in fact it recognizes a "personal" and an "impersonal" current. However, there are many others that are part of the spirituality of different sects and secret societies, founded on the cult of Satan and Lucifer in a Gnostic key. It is important to describe the [...]

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(by Massimo Montinari) As I have already described in previous articles, the presence of "sects" or "castes" in Italy is increasing, particularly in the middle-upper social classes and in the student / university population. Among the different types, the satanic ones are considered the most dangerous due to the negative character that must distinguish each individual adept and the [...]

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