Italy at the center of something bigger. Economic maneuver "rejected" and conference on Libya in Palermo are proof of this

(by Massimiliano D'Elia) The Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has collected the support of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin with a single blow. At the summit in Palermo on 12 and 13 November, the rank of participants is rising for the Libya dossier. Russia has confirmed the participation of Russian Prime Minister Medvedev, or of the powerful and influential foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, Germany of Chancellor Angela Merkel and even General Kalifa Haftar, according to the Libyan newspaper Al Wasat, could be present at the summit. The United States would lean for State Department Head Mike Pompeo, much depends on the level of the Kremlin representative.

On the other hand, as far as concerns the European Commission's concerns about Italian public debt, even in this case, the United States and Russia did not rule out the possibility of buying Italian government bonds. In short, Italy is at the center of something bigger. Much depends on its geographical location. Italy is the largest US aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean. Italy is fundamental for the fate of Euroland. Italy is the grimardello of Russia to enter the EU and US mechanisms to mitigate the effect of economic sanctions and is an excellent bridge to transport Russian gas.

The geopolitical importance of Italy is emerging, but it was already known at the time of the Cold War, where the Bel Paese was at the center of the conflict of force of the two opposing blocs.

The EU countries have no doubts about the importance of Italy but do not want to admit it publicly. Despite the "heavy" veto to the Italian economic maneuver, they try to soften the tone.

From Berlin, the federal government spokesman Steffen Seibert was a diplomat, urging constructive dialogue

"We support the Commission in its work, this is its role. The maintenance of the rules of the Stability Pact, and solid public finances: these are important prerequisites for what we all want, and that is a positive and sustainable development of the economy for the citizens ".

In Der Spiegel, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker announced, "in the next few days we will ask other questions about the budget law when I meet Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in the coming weeks".

The next steps are: the November 5 the publication of the economic document, the November 8, the likely new economic estimates from Brussels, in view then of the expected budgetary views for the November 21. This last passage could be preparatory, writes Il Sole 24 Ore, at the opening of a procedure for excessive debt, in the absence of changes to the Budget. Moreover, the College of Commissioners already meeting in Strasbourg has considered whether to open the same procedure this day which would prove, however, at the media level as an external interference hardly acceptable by public opinion and which would give rise to uncertain developments in European sovereign movements. , of which Italy, the former Donal Trump strategist Steve Bannon, is its leader.

Italy at the center of something bigger. Economic maneuver "rejected" and conference on Libya in Palermo are proof of this