The Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Francesco Lollobrigida signed the decree on the conditionality obligations that beneficiaries of direct payments and rural development are required to comply with in order to receive the contributions of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). "With this provision we ask for the respect of fundamental obligations, which go into [...]

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55 days after the elections, the efforts of the parties continue to find an agreement on the alliances of the parties. The situation in the center-left appears anything but rosy. Time is running out and both the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, and the former Minister of Economic Development, Carlo Calenda, are aware of this, so much so that they both solicit an answer [...]

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(by Francesco Matera) “More than Conte's party, I think the M5s parliamentarians are much more afraid of the limit of two mandates. Most of the parliamentarians have made two terms, including the big names, and in the M5s it is no longer possible to reapply. I believe that many are interested in Conte's project also for [...]

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(by Francesco Matera) Matteo Renzi on Fb removed all doubts from those who thought in a softening of the positions of Iv, lashing out against the authentic scandal of those responsible and the creation of improvised groups. Reiterated after the meeting with Mattarella during the press conference. A move by Renzi that upsets the cards even more to those who [...]

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(by Francesco Matera) An executive of IV, writes the Ansa, took a picture of the current Italian political situation: "Conte wants to stay at Conte bis, Renzi wants to replace Conte, the Democratic Party would support Conte ter". The solution, the manager specifies, is the birth of a new Conte government, with a greater presence of parties perhaps with two deputy premieres [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Matteo Renzi does not let go, on Christmas Eve we thought that everything was back in the right direction, but no, the resentments are too many and not only from the leader of IV. They do not show it but the "lonely" Count the "Sun King" does not really like anyone, both inside [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Giuseppe #Conte in the long-awaited direct from Palazzo Chigi spoke to the Italians, indeed no, only to the two vice premier. An unusual way to send messages to the two majority leaders. This is usually done in a closed-door meeting, or the situation in the Chamber is discussed in front of the [...]

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(by Emanuela Ricci) “The strength of women comes from something that psychology cannot explain”, so “narrated” Oscar Wilde. A strong but necessary issue to be dealt with in all sectors of society, including in politics. The noun "politics" is feminine ... .. apart from the "provocation" it is necessary to go beyond any gender bias and face [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) The Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has collected the support of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin with a single blow. At the Palermo summit on 12 and 13 November, the rank of participants is rising for the Libya dossier. Russia has confirmed the participation of the Russian premier [...]

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Some time ago no one would have imagined M5S and Lega sitting at the same table to discuss and decide the nascent government team. Di Maio's loving declarations in this sense are also unimaginable. “Salvini and I have already basically outlined the political structure of the team. The names and everything that derives from the personalities that will be part of it, [...]

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Salvini does not give up and continues to hear Silvio Berlusconi to try to find a solution for the good of the country. The Knight, we learn, is in constant contact from Milan with his closest collaborators, starting with Gianni Letta. And today he will have a new family lunch in Arcore which will become another occasion [...]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Fico, the President of the Chamber scares Di Maio and beyond. Fico has always been Di Maio's uncomfortable antagonist within the M5S, so much so that at one point Grillo had to decree Di Maio as Secretary with wide powers. Now in the few hours of reflection by President Mattarella, [...]

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Countdown to the start of the 'great negotiation' of all with everyone who from next week will see the Five Star Movement and the League first involved, winners in the role of protagonists to try to converge on the appointment of the presidents of the Chamber and Senate. In the meantime, the prime minister Paolo Gentiloni is busy in the works [...]

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First heavy controversies within the center-right alignment that is preparing to battle with the five-star and center-left movement to govern Italy. Heavy accusations were made by De Girolamo against his Forza Italia party and its management in Campania. Nunzia de Girolamo, takes it without half words with the whole entourage [...]

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Definitely an appointment not to be missed the one that will be broadcast this evening at 20:30 on La7. Milena Gabanelli, most likely the best Italian journalist, will in fact be the guest of Lilli Gruber in the episode of Otto e mezzo today 22 January 2017. The broadcast will also be visible in live streaming at the web address and [... ]

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(by Massimiliano D'Elia) - Today, scrolling through the press review, it was almost funny. Everyone, absolutely all political parties, rebound accusations, merits, proclamations, offenses and so on. In short, the classic post-election theater. The only certain fact is that no one wants to publicly admit defeat, even in victory. The party that won is the [...]

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Let's look at 40 percent at the next polls. A result already achieved in the Europeans and also in the referendum. Little desire to talk about politics and to express oneself 'in politichese', the journey that will touch almost all the Italian provinces is dedicated to listening, not to the election campaign. But the secretary dem, during the first stages of 'Destination [...]

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Rosatellum bis goes to the courtroom, secret votes are feared in the Chamber About 200 amendments to the law by Pd-Fi-Lega-Ap. M5S-Mdp warn: trust would be subversive The parties that supported it are now grappling with the fear of ambushes. We are talking about the so-called Rosatellum bis, the electoral reform for which the first votes will be held tomorrow [...]

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