Does Russian disinformation also pass from the joke to Meloni?

The office of the diplomatic advisor to the Prime Minister, Francesco Talò, expresses its regret in an official statement "for the deception received by an impostor who posed as the president of the African Union Commission”. The phone call came last September 18th, as part of Giorgia Meloni's contacts, on the occasion of the United Nations General Assembly meeting on Africa, which was held between September 19th and 21st. 

The recording of the conversation was posted yesterday morning on the platform online Canadian Rumble and filmed by the Russian agency Ria Novosti.

A prank call from two Russian comedians, Vladimir Kuznetsov (Vovan), 37 years old, law degree and a past as a journalist Alexey Staljerov (Lexus), 36 years old, studies in economics. 

The interlocutor's in-depth knowledge of the foreign policy sensitivities of our Prime Minister raises some suspicions about a broader direction that could call into question the secret services of the Russian Federation. As luck would have it, the Italian prime minister kept the line on all the hot issues such as migrants, war in Ukraine and instability in Africa. On Ukraine he summarized what transpires from the official statements of Western politicians: “I see a lot of tiredness on all sides".

The president of Copasir Lorenzo Guerini he then heard the undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council Alfredo Mantovano to highlight that “it is a priority to act immediately so that similar circumstances do not repeat themselves in the future, aware that they can also be considered as activities with malicious purposes".

The suspicion takes on a greater character if the disinformation activity that the Kremlin systematically carries out in the new domain of comparison, the cognitive one, is considered.

The British newspaper revealed some details on Russian activity Times which tells how the Kremlin launched a powerful disinformation campaign, using "fake" versions of Western newspaper websites. 

The campaign is based on the defeatist narrative of the war in Ukraine and the direct attack on American foreign policy. An unknown multitude of posts linked to famous websites such as Fox News have flooded the social platform X since October 25th. An analyst from the Russian group revealed this to the Times on condition of anonymity Bot Blocker/Anti-Bot for Navalny. According to the analyst, the Kremlin is trying to influence Western public opinion on the need to interrupt arms supplies to Ukraine (the US Congress resists and has not yet approved another tranche of aid to Kiev). Just as it would be affecting theUkrainian public opinion on the need to reach a "cease-fire", accepting the positions on the ground, currently consolidated by the troops.

The fake posts are relaunched at the rate of 2/3 every minute with images and links that take you back to the most famous websites dedicated to information. Two posts circulated as belonging to Fox News aimed to discredit Biden's foreign policy for supporting Ukraine and Israel that would lead to World War III with China and Russia. Another article on a French website accused Kiev of selling Western weapons, criticizing American policy in Africa. In Germany an article condemns the sanctions on Russia, identifying them as a consequence of the national crisis. Other Ukraine-linked sites claim that Western aid will be directed to Israel. In other posts they talk about Russian victories in eastern Ukraine.

Platform Although it should be highlighted, writes the Times, that before the arrival of Elon Musk there were 8000 experts on counterinformation techniques, now there are barely 1500.

This could be the cause of the increase in disinformation activity carried out by the Kremlin on the widespread social platform X.

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Does Russian disinformation also pass from the joke to Meloni?