Women in the Armed Forces and Police Forces, International Diplomatic Institute Conference

On 18 October (09.30 – 18.30) in Rome the International Diplomatic Institute has organized a multilateral international conference which will be held in the David Sassoli Europa Experience Center, in Piazza Venezia, 6 entitled: Women in the armed forces and police: mediation skills and diplomatic solutions in conflict situations".

Even in the "profession of weapons" there is a female specificity, which facilitates mediation and dialogue. You will talk about it on Wednesday in Rome during the multilateral international conference, organized byInternational Diplomatic Institute under the patronage of ministry of foreign affairs and international cooperation.

Speakers will include, among others, Sen. Isabella Rauti, Undersecretary of State for Defence, representing the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the Minister of Defense of Kosovo Ejup Maquedonci and the MEP Anna Cinzia Bonfrisco.
After greetings from the president of the Institute, Paolo Giordani, of the European institutions and of the police chief (through the director of the Anti-Crime Division of the Naples Police Headquarters, Nunzia Brancati) and after the introductory session (from 10am to 10,30am), the discussion will be divided into two moments, moderated by journalists and dedicated respectively to the training of soldiers (from 10,30am to 13pm) and to the role of women in the various operational theaters ( from 14,30pm to 16pm). Followed by memoirs and testimonies (from 16,30pm to 18pm) and conclusions. The conference will be an opportunity to listen to the voices of women who work in the Red Cross, such as the National Inspector of the Volunteer Nurses Corps Emilia Bruna Scarcella or in the Armed Forces, as an Air Force lieutenant colonel Federica Maddalena, the captain of the Army Serena Cesi and the lieutenant captain Letizia Pantaleo.
"The conference on women in the armed forces and police – explains President Giordani – it is the second stage of the cultural and research journey launched by the International Diplomatic Institute with last year's conference on women in diplomacy. Obviously it is not a question of paying homage to the cliché that women are "gentle parts" of institutions founded on strength, they are not "flowers inside cannons"", But "constitutive, integral, effective, operational part" of the bodies to which they belong and which they enrich with their specific approach and their ability to face and resolve conflicts".



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Women in the Armed Forces and Police Forces, International Diplomatic Institute Conference

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