by Paolo Giordani January 27th is now consolidated in our dear Italy as the "Remembrance Day" and invites us to a moment of strong collective reflection, connecting us directly with the events of a dramatic not too distant past. It forces us to go back to that 27 January 1945, when, thanks to the advance of the Army [...]

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by Paolo Giordani The drama of the Israeli hostages, the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, in short the river of violence flowing in the Holy Land poorly conceals a reality that is evident to anyone who observes the situation, without political or religious prejudices. What makes this war hopeless and despairing is the fact that none of the conflicting parties […]

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On 18 October (09.30 - 18.30) in Rome the International Diplomatic Institute has organized a multilateral international conference to be held in the David Sassoli Europa Experience Center, in Piazza Venezia, 6 entitled: Women in the armed and police forces: ability to intermediation and diplomatic solution in conflict situations". Even in the "profession of weapons" [...]

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