London in the hands of the baby-gangs. Yet another stabbing, 18enne dies

No sign of stopping the escalation of violence in the British capital has caused 2018 killings since the beginning of 60, including 40 stabbing, the last of which occurred a few hours ago on Chestnut Avenue, in the Forest Gate area, east of the metropolis, where an eighteen year old died after being the victim of umpteenth aggression with a cutting weapon.

The events happened last night in East London. The police intervened at 22.50 pm to provide help, but there was nothing to do: the boy died shortly before 23.30 pm.

It seems this is yet another criminal action carried out by the infamous gangs of youths that act uncontrolled especially in some districts of the British metropolis, and that most often affect people belonging to ethnic minorities, often minors, whose murders since the beginning of the 2018 they are well 11.

Waiting to inform the eighteen year old family, the identity of the victim has not yet been made known. 

At Scotland Yard they immediately went to work to try to reconstruct the umpteenth episode of violence resulting in homicide. Several possible witnesses have been heard and it is hoped that from their stories you can quickly go back to the perpetrators of the young mortal stabbing.

The serious episode occurs in the aftermath of the double homicide, which occurred in different circumstances, in which a man of 26 years and a woman in his thirties died at the height of family disputes.


Photo: Sky news

London in the hands of the baby-gangs. Yet another stabbing, 18enne dies