"You care about me"

The awareness campaign for schools on first aid measures and the use of the Semiautomatic External Defibrillator is underway

Promote the culture of prevention and safety, starting from school. This is the goal of "I care about", the information and awareness campaign of the Ministry of Education on the use of the Semiautomatic External Defibrillator (AED) and on first aid measures, carried out with the support of the Ministry of Health and Inail (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work). The campaign is launched today, on the occasion of World Heart Day, with the hashtag #MIStay AT Heart

A video that contains a call to intervene in case of need, direct testimonies collected among teachers, students and students who have participated in specific courses, materials and downloadable posters: these are the contents now available on the website www.ificazione.it/mistaiacuore . The campaign was born as part of the implementation of Law 116 of 2021, approved by Parliament to encourage the progressive spread of AEDs, starting from their installation in public places, and knowledge of first aid maneuvers, including unblocking ones. 

Even before the approval of the law, the Ministry of Education had moved by allocating over 8 million euros for the purchase and installation of AEDs in schools or for the activation of first aid courses. A budget of about one thousand euros per school, which represented an extraordinary loan compared to the ordinary budget, disbursed with the aim of guaranteeing the effectiveness of the school service and also contributing to the start of this important process of empowerment and training. 

#MIStay AT Heart it will not only be the name of the campaign and the dedicated website, but also the hashtag that will accompany the activities on the web and on the Ministry's social networks: everyone will be able to participate by posting a video or a photo. The Ministry of Education will collect and relaunch the messages that will be disseminated by the schools. It will also be possible to report, through a dedicated email, the activities carried out or in progress, to build a network of awareness among peers, including teachers, students, managers. The first two letters of the campaign hashtag, in capital letters, refer to the direct commitment of MI, the Ministry of Education, to promote issues related to well-being and health, also in line with the Protocol signed with the competent Ministry. The name of the campaign then refers, more generally, to the need to take the lives of others to heart, intervening in case of danger, perhaps after a preparation course like those that dozens of schools are already organizing.  

"You care about me"

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