The first meeting took place via videoconference with which the process for the establishment of the National Experimental Commission on durum wheat began, with the coordination of the Italian Telematic Merchandise Exchange. The comparison between the most representative agricultural associations in the cereal production sector and the agro-industrial part of Italmopa was aimed at sharing the draft regulation on the functioning of the Commission itself, which aims to become a place for comparison between producers and processors.

"This is an important day for the Italian cereal supply chain which, from today, albeit in an experimental form, will be able to count on a crucial tool for detecting the prices of the various types of durum wheat - declared the Undersecretary for Agricultural Policies, Giuseppe L 'Abbate, at the opening of the works - Meeting place, able to encourage synergies between the producer and the processing part, the Commission is the result of a long process started since the legislative modification, which I promoted, in 2015. L 'objective is to face and resolve the open issues together with the operators of the sector, favoring dialogue in the supply chain, in the national interest. In other sectors - concludes L'Abbate - the instrument of the Cun has shown all its concrete importance ”.

The representatives of Italmopa, the Industrial Millers Association of Italy, and the Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, Cia, Copagri and Liberi Agricoltori associations for the agricultural world are part of the National Experimental Commission. Work will continue in the coming weeks to agree on further aspects on the operating regulations.

MIPAAF: work started on the national experimental commission on durum wheat

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