MIPAAF, Bellanova: food safety and traceability a consumer right in the budget law space for agriculture 4.0

“More and more citizens, in the world and in our country, ask for food safety, traceability, transparent information on the origin of agricultural products and their transformation. A need to which we must be able to respond adequately because consumers must become our best allies in promoting and enhancing on our tables and in the world the quality of our Made in Italy, the uniqueness, excellence and typicality of our agri-food starting from the good combination agriculture - good food. And when we talk about Agriculture 4.0 we also talk about this: research, innovation, transparent information, food safety, sustainability ".

So the Minister for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies Teresa Bellanova speaking today in Foggia at the conference on the theme "Agrifood, Blockchain and Traceability", at the Chamber of Commerce.

"Putting agriculture at the center of the country's agenda: this is the goal that already in the recently approved Budget Law finds the first important confirmations", continued Minister Bellanova, "starting from the 600 million more that we put sector disposition, from the zeroing of the income tax which means resources for investments, from the measures for women and young people, the most extraordinary lever for innovation we can count on. But saying agriculture is the protagonist also means having made room for Agriculture 4.0. With the Fund to extend the Enterprise 4.0 measure for precision agriculture to the sector and with the Fund for the development of innovative processes, precision agriculture, also through the blockchain. Word that in the Budget Law is mentioned only in this regard and only in relation to agriculture and agri-food. And since even in this case time is not an independent variable, the Mipaaf offices are already working to present the implementing decrees envisaged for these and for all the measures of the Budget Law ".

MIPAAF, Bellanova: food safety and traceability a consumer right in the budget law space for agriculture 4.0