MIPAAF, Bellanova: “sustainability of food systems and protection of biodiversity: Italy ready to do its part

Strategic agriculture: it cannot be penalized. Inadequate resources for the pac "

“The sustainability of food systems and the protection of biodiversity are objectives that Italy shares and supports with conviction. We welcomed the strategy of the European Green New Deal and we believe that the agri-food sector is central in this context. Italy is ready to do its part. However, the proposed path is very complex and it is necessary to carefully consider the various issues that still need to be worked on, because the objectives of the new strategies are equivalent to concrete opportunities for our farmers, committed to improving the competitiveness of businesses and maintaining rural areas. ". This was stated by Minister Teresa Bellanova, on the occasion of the Council of European Agriculture Ministers held this morning by videoconference, with the items relevant to agriculture on the Green Deal on the agenda, and in the two Farrm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies.

"In this regard," says Bellanova, "I believe that the Commission has not adequately considered the importance of the agricultural sector, both in ensuring the food security of European citizens during the pandemic and in the contribution that is asked of agricultural enterprises in the green transition. . In fact, I do not understand why only 15 of the 750 billion euros are destined for the CAP, which should be made available through the Recovery Fund. I am also very concerned about how these additional resources, concentrated in just three years, can be used, and I do not agree with the proposed allotment key. If it is an exceptional tool aimed at relaunching the economy in the post-COVID phase, then the allotment key to be considered is exactly the general one of the Recovery Fund ".

MIPAAF, Bellanova: “sustainability of food systems and protection of biodiversity: Italy ready to do its part