Done Grave, ANA writes in Minniti - No Bolkestein, Latin police headquarters prevents march of the silent with vans

"A" silent march "on board our vans against the Bolkestein directive and in defense of the markets. It is the initiative that is prevented us with a very serious act of intimidating nature. The Quaestor of Latina, dr. Ernesto Belfiore, through the commissariat of Fondi, made me notify an act by which "it is opposed to prohibiting the conduct of the event - 2a Marcia of the silent - within the territory of the province of Latina". Warning that "offenders will be prosecuted according to law".
In a note, Marrigo Rosato, National Secretary of Ana (National Walking Association) states.

"The Quaestor arrives at such a cruel decision by holding, in fact, assessing that the event could propit the commission of illicit acts, resulting in disruption in terms of public order and public security."
There are no words to describe the severity of these assertions that are not based on any alarm and that they tend to equate peaceful walkers to defend their work and their concessions to delinquents or terrorists, "adds Rosato.
"The Latin Questor will find no act whereby pedestrians, who have been opposed to the Bolkestein directive for two years, have caused public disorder or" disturbing "product to public security. Already the title of our event "The march of the silent ones" (in agenda by Fondi in Rome the next 14 November) expresses all meaning - continues Rosato - The pedestrians of Fondi like Rome, Naples, Milan, Florence or of Bari, who have always shown their reasons peacefully by getting applause and listening even from the government and the relevant ministers, November 14 will still show their reasons for requesting that the future of 196.000 walking companies in Italy be safeguarded about 4.000 in the provinces of Latina and Frosinone, 20.000 in Rome and in Lazio and well 30.000 in Campania. "
"In the light of this we will come to the decision of the quarrel, but judging it an anti-democratic act which undermines the rights of citizens, guaranteed by art. 21 of the Italian Constitution on the expression of ideas and opinions, we will inform the Minister of the Interior, on. Marco Minniti, for the appropriate and consequent assessments "concludes Rosato along with Vincenzo Caiazzo, Ana's president.

Done Grave, ANA writes in Minniti - No Bolkestein, Latin police headquarters prevents march of the silent with vans

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