
This week he talks about IC n.2 of Sinnai, in the province of Cagliari, which will be one of the 212 new schools built thanks to the PNRR 

In a video the Ministry of Education and Merit shows the first stages of demolition of the old school building in via Caravaggio in Sinnai (CA). The school will be demolished and rebuilt thanks to the investment line dedicated by the PNRR to the creation of more than 200 safe, inclusive, innovative and highly sustainable New Schools. 

The demolition work on the Via Caravaggio complex of the IC n.22 of Sinnai, in the province of Cagliari, began on 2 November. “The works will last about a month”, explained architect Aurora Perra of the team that won the design competition for this school, “at the beginning of 2024 the actual construction of the school will begin”. 

Times fully respected in Sinnai, a municipality that had involved students and teachers from the early planning stages to understand the needs and interventions necessary to guarantee a new school that responded to the needs of the area. The school was also involved in the crucial moment of the demolition, with a dedicated event which saw the participation of students, witnesses from the first stages of the operational start of the works. 

Watch the video of the complex in via Caravaggio in Sinnai here:

The PNRR investment line aimed at the construction of new schools involves the construction of 212 new school complexes, whose architectural projects were selected with a design competition. All the interventions involve a building replacement action (demolition of an existing school and reconstruction) and are managed by the local owners of the buildings, beneficiaries of the loans. The projects of each new school were selected through a design competition and respond to guidelines that define the main structural characteristics that the new schools must respect, in terms of sustainability, openness to the territory, ability to welcome innovative teaching. The completion of the works is expected by 2026.

#NoiSiamoLeScuole is the project of the Ministry of Education and Merit dedicated to the stories of teaching and community and to the stories of the PNRR Education:





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