Banks: Abi and Feduf promote the 1522 number for women victims of violence

Together, against gender violence and for women's self-determination. It is with this message that Abi and Feduf, in conjunction with the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, launch a joint initiative on the occasion of the 'International day for the elimination of violence against women'.

The objective is to contribute to the dissemination of the anti-violence and stalking number 1522, active every day, 24 hours a day, free from both landlines and mobiles, and available in multiple languages. In this regard, Abi, the Italian Banking Association, and Feduf, the Foundation for financial education and savings, have created information tools, now available on their respective websites and freely accessible, which include a dedicated poster and graphics for online channels, including social media.

The initiative falls within the scope of the commitments undertaken by the Banking Association with the Memorandum of Understanding signed last 4 October with the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for the prevention and combating of violence against women, also at home, encouraging, among other things, training and information initiatives on the public and private tools available to support financial inclusion and overcoming gender differences.

Furthermore, it is part of the activities that Abi and the banks carry out also in coherence with the educational and dissemination initiatives developed by Feduf to strengthen the financial culture of citizens and aimed at combating gender differences in the economic field, also through the strengthening of female financial skills. The initiative is in synergy with the implementation of the sustainable development commitments promoted by the UN Agenda 2030 and, in particular, with Objective 5 focused on gender equality.

You are not alone. If you need help, call immediately

The joint initiative of Abi and Feduf focuses on the message 'You are not alone. If you need help, call now to promote awareness, prevent and combat violence against women and promote a culture of respect, including gender.

Information tools dedicated to the number 1522 are published on the Abi website (this il direct) and by Feduf ( ). Made in digital version, they can be relaunched and conveyed on websites and online channels. The poster with the highlighted number can also be printed and displayed in branches, offices, headquarters and commercial premises by all those interested in supporting this commitment to contribute together to the increasingly widespread awareness and diffusion of the anti-violence number.

The number 1522

1522 it is the anti-violence and stalking number that victims of abuse or violence (from physical to psychological, economic, digital) can contact in case they need help or support. The service is public, promoted by the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. 

The reception is carried out by operators specialized in providing an immediate first response to the request for help, offering a listening ear, useful information, and orienting you towards the public and private social and health services present in the national territory. 

The service is available in over ten languages. Accessible from the entire national territory, from landline or mobile, and via the dedicated application for mobile phones and tablets, the '1522'. To receive help, you can also chat with an operator directly from the website 1522 (

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Banks: Abi and Feduf promote the 1522 number for women victims of violence