Ozone to defeat Coronavirus

According to the results of an experiment conducted in the national laboratory P3 led by Professor Li Zelin, ozone has proven effective in killing the Sars virus inoculated on green monkey kidney cells, achieving a kill rate of 99,22%. An article reports it  Site  www.orbisphera.org.

The virus discovered in Wuhan and the Sars virus both belong to the coronavirus strain. The researchers found that Covid-19 is 80% similar to the Sars virus. It is therefore reasonable to predict that ozone can be equally effective in preventing and controlling the new coronavirus. This is what prof. Zhou Muzhi on the site www.china.org.cn/opinion/2020-02/26/content_75747237.htm.

The professor. Muzhi, a professor at Tokyo Keizai University and president of the Cloud River Urban Research Institute, entitled the article: "Ozone: a powerful weapon to fight the Covid-19 epidemic". At the beginning of his long article, prof. Muzhi explains the functions that ozone performs both in the upper and lower part of the atmosphere, and states that "ozone is beneficial for man and for nature both in the troposphere and in the stratosphere". Reflecting on the relationship between ozone and the spread of viruses and bacteria, the professor wonders why Sars, which raged from winter 2002 to spring 2003, suddenly disappeared between May and June. Most airborne viruses, such as the flu virus, explode in the fall and winter and disappear in the spring and summer seasons. There almost seems to be an invisible "hand of God" that blocks the spread of viruses, clears the epidemic and saves people. Experts worldwide have made several studies to understand why this phenomenon occurs. Experiments have shown that temperature changes do not significantly affect viruses, although increasing humidity can actually lead to an increase in the mortality rate. In this context, prof. Zhang Yue raised the hypothesis that ozone, with its disinfectant and germicidal abilities, could be a real "hand of God".

It turned out, in fact, that the ozone concentration changes significantly according to the seasons: it is low in autumn and winter, and high in spring and summer. Ozone removes epidemics as its concentration increases with the arrival of the warmer seasons. If the hypothesis is correct, the epidemic caused by the new coronavirus, like Sars and influenza, should disappear in coincidence with the increase in ozone concentration over the seasons. In any case - says prof. Muzhi - for more than 100 years, ozone, considered a natural "killer" of viruses, has been widely used for disinfection, sterilization, deodorization and detoxification, thanks to its strong oxidizing capacity.

«For this reason - underlined the teacher - ozone is expected to be adopted as a weapon in the global fight against the Covid-19 virus». According to Muzhi, ozone is highly effective for sanitation because it is able to reach every corner of the environment where it is spread and attacks all types of viruses and bacteria. Furthermore, unlike chemical disinfectants, it does not leave harmful residues and can be produced locally through machinery of different sizes depending on the volume of the environments to be treated. For these reasons, prof. Muzhi calls for the use of ozone for the disinfection and sterilization of environments, and proposes to develop joint work to make good use of ozone and thus to overcome the epidemic.

Ozone to defeat Coronavirus

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