Phase 2: the Italians decide with an sms!

(by John Blackeye) Trusting a government that in the first two months of the pandemic reassured the nation that there was no need for masks remains very difficult. A people that looks disoriented at the insecure movements of politicians, experts and great managers who come out of nowhere, needs of certain initiatives that put health first and not the big companies.
Among the great managers there are unknown names that overnight are placed on the podium of the heroes with top positions in the Team that should solve the national problem. But once the Italians did not choose who had to do what?

We have reached a historical stage in Italian politics in which those in government decide what is good and what is not good for the sovereign people.
It was not like this once and this is not the system of national democracy in which the Constitution provides for the People to elect their own representatives, giving them the mandate to carry out the popular will.

In this great confusion in which from the first days of the pandemic, the government has always placed the economy ahead of health as it began to deal with hundreds of deaths that today seem to have become only numbers that increase international statistics, it is necessary to look at the sixty million Italians.
Already from the first weeks, when the catastrophic picture of the situation was not even clear, the government team had understood that it was possible to take the opportunity to raise funds from the European Union and listen to the voices of the world of finance and the economy, he preferred the latter to the cry for help of thousands of Italians sentenced to death by a lethal virus. It did not concern the lethality of the virus but its effects on the economy.

Too bad that the Italian people would have preferred to hear mainly about prevention, treatment, protection and restoration of national health but here, opening the newspapers and listening to TV, even in these days, all you do is hear about billions of euros which, to date, have remained written on the notebooks and in the alchemical calculations of some experts in the sector.

The general perception is that the government is about to decide on the reopening of activities while Italy is in full pandemic.

The times of the pandemic, moreover of a planetary scale never seen, cannot be decided by the Heads of Government, economists and finance magicians who want to return to playing the rich and poor as soon as possible.

Nature decides the times of the pandemic. If almost two months after the start of the restrictions, the results are still disappointing. If, that is, it has been understood that the slowdown of a highly contagious and lethal virus can only be obtained in longer times, well, the government cannot decide to send all the sacrifices of the Italians to the drain and open production and transport because the results collected were not what they wanted.
The news programs are doing their utmost to bring out something "positive" from the catastrophic data of a pandemic that still has more than five hundred deaths a day and almost four thousand new ones infected but there is nothing at all in the national statistical data that suggests we put the pandemic behind us.

The perception, in fact, is that the government is about to decide to restart the economy by substantially restarting commercial activities.
The perception is that we are going in a direction in which, in the face of the impotence of science, it has been decided to sacrifice the life of the Italians, putting back up that system of exchange, commerce, contacts and relationships that have brought us in the current situation, generating the cases of Codogno and Bergamo.

Yes, the perception is that the government is about to say to the Italians, "Dear ones, we have tried, we have not succeeded, and with a reopening in stages, we have decided that in the face of the impossibility of eradicating the virus, we must do the interests of finance and the economy, immunize yourself". It is clear that herd immunity will lead to her death load but maybe someone will think that only the healthy ones will remain, there was no proverb that said: "Few but good?"

Perhaps the time has come to restore the balance of democracy that a political media system has been transforming, in recent decades, into a democratic system that uses coercive means. The government cannot decide on the life of Italians but has an obligation to protect it.

But faced with the risk that politics and the economy impose decisions contrary to the popular will, Perhaps the time has come for the Italians to decide on the health of the Italians. Appropriate initiatives are studied for ask the popular will and ask the nation if you want to reopen or if you want to continue fighting the virus as it is being done.

NGOs, non-profit organizations and various companies are always ready to raise funds with an SMS in the face of any kind of disaster. Well, with an SMS the citizens are consulted by the Municipalities of residence and the data is passed to the Interior Ministry. Let's see what the Italians really want because of the bureaucrats, experts and great managers who come out of nowhere, the Italians do not trust.

Phase 2: the Italians decide with an sms!