State Police: 25.000 controls, 12 arrested and 163 suspects. These are the numbers in the railway sector during the week of August

25.387 controlled persons, 12 arrested persons, 163 investigated, 152 high administrative sanctions of which 76 in railway safety matters: this is the budget of the Railway Police in the period of ferragosto.

Institutional services have been intensified with the use of 2.905 station patrols and 534 on board the train. 1.201 escorted railway trains. 193 anti-haul services in civilian clothes to counter, in particular, theft against travelers. 27 unaccompanied minors found and returned to families or placed in communities. 90 foreigners in an irregular position.

In particular in the station of Viareggio, two Croatian women have been reported, both with precedents, because they are found in possession of tools suitable for the burglary. The younger of the two was also reported for violating the ban on return in the Municipality of Viareggio. The other with a detention order for a prison sentence related to crimes against property over 11 years, was accompanied in prison.

Two interventions related to the tracing of missing persons in the north: in Verona, on board the train, the Polfer operators found a man a few hours after the presentation of a missing person's report. At the Brenner station, a girl was traced away from her family's home, losing track of herself. The young woman, in a confused state, was rescued by the agents who put her in contact with her parents by telephone

On the coast of San Benedetto del Tronto a Polfer operator, free from the service, rescued two children from 6 and 4 years and their father, in great difficulty due to the rough sea.

State Police: 25.000 controls, 12 arrested and 163 suspects. These are the numbers in the railway sector during the week of August

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