Rome, the invisible 100 thousand of Piazza San Giovanni against the green pass


(by John Blackeye) It is the last Saturday of September of this 2021 that is flying away with a thousand problems. Some of the problems we have suddenly found ourselves facing, while others are creating them for us. The Sun seems to be that of August. The temperature is around thirty degrees. On the lawns of Piazza San Giovanni in Rome there are groups of boys with Rastas who write signs to show to everyone. Alongside there are men and women dressed casually, of every age and every generation. It is the first transversal manifestation. Neither right nor left.

All against the Green Pass. The nearby subway stop continues to churn out people as if it were "raining". In less than an hour the square is packed to the point of unbelievable. The passage of cars on the neighboring streets is allowed but with caution since even on the other side of the road, in every direction, all the spaces were occupied by many decent people.
The problem basically concerns workers who subjected to the anti-covid rules of the state, will not be able to go to the workplace if they do not have the green pass. Obviously, the fastest and easiest way to have the green pass always valid in your pocket (at least for 12 continuous months) is to get the vaccine.

If you do not agree to get vaccinated you are forced to go to work showing the green pass after taking the swab, valid for 48 hours, after which you will have to repeat it at your own expense.

Politicians, doctors or pseudo-doctors, experts and unfortunately all the televisions believe that it is a great gimmick, that is to force people to all get the vaccine. Too bad that a myriad of rights, including constitutional ones, are being violated in one fell swoop. But since the Government, Parliament, Political and Media Parties (we could add the Judiciary given the tenor of the sentences issued on the subject so far) are all on the same side, someone is currently believing that workers' rights can be trampled on by putting in place a real out out: or you get vaccinated or I suspend your salary (in summary).

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The vaccine, if we want, one would do it as well. We have made a lot of vaccines, one more or one less would not change anyone's life. Too bad, however, that something very serious is happening. While TV, Radio and Newspapers raise the anti-covid19 vaccine as the savior of humanity, among families, in condominiums, among friends, cCases of very serious adverse reactions that the serum procured are beginning to emerge. Even to someone of direct acquaintance. So, if on the one hand we were fully convinced by the TV that everything was fine "Madama la Marchesa" on the other hand we begin to deal with Tizio, Caio and Sempronio who have entered the hospital for adverse reactions. Many have never come out of it anymore.

Strangely, it happens at the same time that there is an increase in sudden deaths but nothing seems to shake the consciences of the Italians who between a one-way newscast, a football match and a big brother, spending hours getting sick in front of the television, have no time and desire. to understand what is happening.
Then more than someone stopped to think and decided to challenge peacefully in Rome, in Piazza San Giovanni: on Saturday 25th August there were a hundred thousand "sober" people waiting for a change of course.

Whether it is a very dangerous historical media phenomenon that finds its precedents in the pre-war period when racial laws were slowly enacted, it can be seen from the fact that although in the square there were tens of thousands of calm but convinced demonstrators, in the news in the evening there was talk of a few hundred people to whom four seconds of fame were dedicated.

In the September 15 report of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, on page 17, a summary table of the progress of the disease in the last month is published which shows that if it is true that 770 unvaccinated died in thirty days but it is true well that 463 died who had been vaccinated. In the same period they are more vaccinated than not in intensive care. With the percentage increase of the vaccinated there will be overtaking in contagionshospitalizationsintensive therapies and unfortunately also deaths from vaccinated with double dose e not vaccinated. As the relationship below shows, this has happened, for now, for the age group of over eighty for the first time. About 20 days ago the news was circulating that the Government wanted to differentiate, in the daily report, the cases of deaths between vaccinated and not. It no longer happened because in fact, as we have seen, there has not been such overwhelming evidence in this sense.

Television, on the other hand, continues with its "mantra", without ever reporting and deepening the information in an impartial manner, presenting what is now a certainty: "If you have made the two doses, sooner or later the green pass will expire and then you will have to do a third and maybe then a fourth ".

Meanwhile, adverse cases and deaths are increasing and for those wishing to have a realistic idea about the cases, it is sufficient to find pages and channels on Facebook or Telegram (collateral damage, etc.) in which good people who TV passes for conspirators, ask for information on the pathologies. which arose after the vaccine, in the hope of finding someone to put an end to atrocious diseases that millions of Italians are suffering from because of the serum.

Consciences, however, remain worried because if your employer becomes your enemy and the unions find them on their side, then something serious is probably really happening, perhaps only to save, in a grim way, the economy of a country that continues, however, to get into debt without the restraint of "Fiscal compact", to date wisely suspended by the EU.