🎤 Health: with the Siberian Burian, no fat and hot drinks

With the glacial temperatures given to half of Europe by the Siberian Burian, what are the most suitable foods to deal with the cold?

To dispel the collective imagination, according to which fatty and caloric foods are considered the most suitable to cope with the cold, we find the French nutritionist, Laurence Plumey who, in an 'interview with BMFTV, affirms that boiling drinks appear to be' warming ' and fatty dishes do not protect the body from the cold but produce the opposite effect.

According to the nutritionist, "energy must be supplied to the muscles in the form of carbohydrates, therefore starch-based foods. Our 'carburettor' is our muscles. So, rather than eating a raclette with plenty of cheese, you have to eat it with lots of potatoes, a little cheese and raw ham "And for dessert, no greasy and sugary pies, but citrus fruits rich in vitamin C".

With polar temperatures it is more suitable to consume the famous five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Vegetable soups, dried fruit, dishes that contain slowly absorbed sugars and proteins are therefore welcome as a source of vitamins. In this way, according to the expert, the body will be better protected against the cold.

🎤 Health: with the Siberian Burian, no fat and hot drinks