Salvini da Pontida points the finger at the "government of the scam"

He was already in the air and confirmation was not long in coming. From Pontida Salvini launches the challenge to the new government by proposing a referendum to change the electoral law.

Donation campaign"Enough little players who hold the country hostage, with the 3-4%. Italians want clarity. So go ahead with the referendum. In the coming months we will have a government of the people against the government of the seats ".

With a purely majority law "let's secure the country - Salvini then remarked. Forza Italia and Fratelli d'Italia agree with the referendum proposed by the Lega to eliminate the proportional elements from the electoral law".

Salvini, then referring to yesterday's insults pronounced by an exponent of the Northern League against the Head of State, commented: "The tones can be wrong, respect must always be shown. Certainly choices have been made that do not correspond to the popular will. But I don't use the insult and propose a change to the Italians".

Definitely harsher and more controversial tones, the Northern League leader reserved them for Luigi Di Maio and the Five Star Movement "I leave despair. I'm glad to be here and I would never change. I think this government is the son of a huge scam and that Renzi is one of the protagonists. I think that neither the Pd nor the 5 Stars will have much luck from this scam“; then referring to the proposed alliance in Umbria between Pd-M5S Salvini declared "the desperation of the Five Stars, who in order not to disappear go to the Democratic Party with their hat in hand asking for two seats. What a sad end for those who preached the revolution - he underlined - resign themselves because in Umbria there is a desire for change after fifty years of left and palace tricks are worth nothing".

Salvini da Pontida points the finger at the "government of the scam"