(by Francesco Matera) Yesterday the differential between Italian stocks and German Bund fell below 2015 for the first time since 100. An important signal that makes us understand only one thing, this time the path is the right one, to rely on Mario Draghi for managing the huge sum of money made available by the Recovery Fund funds is a guarantee not only for Italians but above all for foreign investors who will thus be able to continue to buy our government bonds together with the ECB. On the political side there are faint openings after the earthquake caused by Matteo Renzi, the only undisputed winner of the match, although no one wants to admit it openly. The Democratic Party, IV and Forza Italia say yes to an executive led by the former central banker. The M5s opens and a part of the League would also like to support it. Giuseppe Conte also gives a push, who is not considered a "saboteur" and even less an "obstacle" to the new executive.

This time the center-right will not present itself together with the consultations with Draghi. "Everyone can say their own idea", commented Salvini yesterday. The occasion for Forza Italia is so important and desired that the number one will drop from France, Silvio Berlusconi he will lead the delegation of the forcers. The 5s have a "duty" to sit at the table, he warns Luigi Di Maio inviting the troops to show "maturity".

The 5S seem less aggressive, but dictate some unavoidable conditions: the new executive will have to make room for politics. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, never tires of repeating that it wants a "large and pro-European majority“, Which certainly includes the Azzurri but who would find it more difficult to digest the League. Draghi, in this regard, in his speech at the Colle said he looks to the unity of the political forces and therefore also to the party led by Salvini. In the League, however, there are some micro fractures. While Giorgetti the leader defines Draghi as a "champion who cannot sit on the bench" Salvini continues to send fluctuating messages between openings and closings, threatening: or us or the cinquestelle.

To come out into the open, in the true sense of the word, outside Palazzo Chigi was Giuseppe Conte that with a lot of table set up for the media he wanted to clarify not to work to lead the Draghi government off course and announces that it does not want to leave the political scene. He addresses the Movement directly: “I am here and I will be there”, he says. And then he looks to the Democratic Party and the LeU, inviting them not to waste the heritage of an alliance “for sustainable development. A strong and concrete project ".

Draghi meanwhile takes notes in first person. The formula it will likely adopt will be the Ciampi model, with a few high-profile 'technical' ministers to support the premier on the most delicate dossiers, such as the economy, justice and perhaps even health, but in the Council of Ministers representatives of all parties. This is the hypothesis that is reflected in parliamentary rumors, reported by Ansa. Draghi maintains absolute reserve, in talks with delegations, on the political form he intends to give to his executive. Only on the second round of consultations could he discover his cards. Among the parties, Ansa always writes, the conviction is spreading that it will not only be technical but also political. And not only because almost everyone asks for it, starting with the five stars. But also because bringing party representatives to the CDM would mean having a stronger channel with Parliament. Of course, composing all the wishes is not easy. The Democratic Party would like an Ursula majority, only with the pro-Europeans, without the Lega and Fdi. The League hopes for a strong discontinuity with the Conte bis, which would mean outgoing ministers. The M5s, which has the most important numbers in Parliament, wants guarantees on its issues and its ministers. Forza Italia asks for reassurance on the future Keeper of the Seals.

Toto ministers

As for the "dream team" of ministers, one wonders if Draghi will make his list or ask the groups to indicate their names. To the Economy, there are those who accredit the hypothesis that the premier holds the interim, but it is considered more likely that he will choose a trusted technician as Daniele Franco or Luigi Federico Signorini (Bank of Italy), Daniele Scannapieco (Bei).

Justice continues to be called Martha Cartabia o Paula Severino. A technician like Ilaria Capua could go to the Health Service, where, however, the confirmation of Roberto Speranza or the promotion of Sileri. Within Luciana Lamorgese it could stay, even if the League should enter the government it could aspire to that position. Carlo Cottarelli could join the team as well as the rector of Sapienza Antonella Polimeni. It could be confirmed for the M5s Luigi Di Maio and for the Democratic Party Lorenzo Guerini, Dario Franceschini o Andrea Orlando. Matteo Renzi to his own excludes being interested, he could indicate Ettore Rosato o Mary Helen Woods. For Fi Antonio Tajani. For the League, of course, Giancarlo Giorgetti or an area technician.

It is certain that this time it will decide how it is correct that the Prime Minister is in charge, without the blackmail of the parties. Politicians could then take sub-government posts in favor of super technicians at the head of the ministries.

Salvini: “Either us or the grillini”. After the Renzi earthquake, a few more adjustment shots