School: 500 million to Higher Technical Institutes

Ministerial decree launched, Valditara: "A victory for training and a resource for companies in the area"

As announced by the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara, today the decree allocating 500 million euros was signed for the strengthening of the laboratories of the Higher Technical Institutes. These are funds included in the PNRR's Education and Research Mission, which provides for a total investment of 1,5 billion in favor of ITS, to encourage the growth of a training system that enhances job opportunities in the territories.

This is a measure that had remained unimplemented until the new government took office, and was unblocked after a constructive discussion between the Ministry and the Conference of Regions, which shared the desire to promote coordinated programming of interventions, starting from ITS Academy.

Specifically, 450 million will be allocated to existing institutes: 60 per cent of these resources will be disbursed to the ITS of the Centre-North, and 40 per cent to the ITS of the South. The disbursement will take place for 60 per cent of the investment using the number of members as a criterion, while 40 percent will be assigned as a fixed quota.

The remaining 50 million will be set aside for the new Foundations which, starting from 2022, have started at least one training course. Any unused resources will be redistributed among all the ITS Academy Foundations.

“This decree is satisfactory because it overcomes a blockage generated by the inertia of the previous government: another of the opportunities given by the PNRR has been grounded. But the most important thing is that strengthening the ITS is a step change in approaching education and training with the professionalism that the productive fabric of the territories offers and needs. It is with actions like these that the education system can increasingly become an engine of development for the country-system”, declared Minister Giuseppe Valditara.

School: 500 million to Higher Technical Institutes