School, Valditara in Abruzzo

  • “Education is central to development, investing in young people and the school system is our commitment”
  • Over 478 million euros allocated for school construction, student training, combating school dropout and ITs in the region

“After two months I decided to return to Abruzzo to personally check the progress of the projects launched by the Ministry of Education and Merit to renovate schools, protect children's right to study and combat school dropout,” he says. Giuseppe Valditara, Minister of Education and Merit, today in Abruzzo to visit four schools in the province of Teramo, “and to understand, from those who experience school every day, what we can do more and better. We are convinced that education is the decisive lever for development and we have been committed since the beginning of the government mandate to offering students the best training and work opportunities, from the tutor teacher to the Southern Agenda program, from the strengthening of STEM to investment on technical and professional training. Young people are our future, investing in them and the entire school system that works for them is our commitment."

To date, funds totaling over 478 million euros have been made available for schools in Abruzzo; of these, more than 321 million are intended for school buildings, around 141 million for schools and ITS (for interventions to combat school dropout, School 4.0, Stem and orientation, staff training and ITS Academy), of which approximately 18 million they will be used to reduce learning gaps and school dropouts in favor of all educational institutions and CPIA (Provincial Centers for Adult Education); 3 and a half million euros were allocated to agricultural, hotel, nautical and aeronautical institutes. Finally, with Agenda Sud, the first strategic program to recover territorial learning gaps, 12 million and 640 thousand euros were provided to all primary schools in the region and to two secondary schools.

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School, Valditara in Abruzzo

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