"Black" Military Unions for Fb message on. Corda: "deny what you said in a misleading way"

In a joint press release, SIM Aeronautica Militare, SIM Marina Militare, SIM Guardia Costiera, SIM Guardia di Finanza, National Financiers Union, report the dismay among the military for the words used by the Honorable Corda in the live Facebook. Yesterday afternoon, the M5S parliamentarian wanted to publicly participate in an update on the status, in the Defense Commission, of the trade union law proposal that bears her name. La Corda very unhappily said: "Threats of a strike called by the trade unions","attacks by the military","poles imposed by the 120 ruling of the 2018","specificity of military personnel with respect to that of the civilian police forces". The desire to "please everyone a little" is clearly evident in the drafting of the law. Those reported are just some of the points touched by the truly "superficial" speech posted on the parliamentary's social network.


The military unions, therefore, (SIM Aeronautica Militare, SIM Marina Militare, SIM Guardia Costiera, SIM Guardia di Finanza, National Financiers Union) are on a rampage: "We reaffirm our free and democratic position. We do not threaten anyone, let alone using the tool of the strike. We only express dissent within the limits and in compliance with the law, making use of the legitimate trade union prerogatives and attributed to them. We ask the honorable Corda a public denial of the misleading message he sent on the social network and we invite you to conserve your energy to tackle the process of the bill with less approximation".

He hopes that the entire process that will see the first law for the military trade union be born can be as limpid and linear as possible by putting the uniformed personnel and their families at the center of the measure only.

"Black" Military Unions for Fb message on. Corda: "deny what you said in a misleading way"

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