In a press release, INPS announces that President Boeri today filed a complaint against the director of the newspaper "La Verità" Maurizio Belpietro and the journalist Giacomo Amadori, who, on 7 October 2018 in the article "Boeri uses pensions against the government: he wants to cut them all except his own ", accused the President [...]

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The tension between the government and Boeri, president of INPS, is high. After the issue of migrants following Boeri's declaration that migrants are a resource and should not be considered a problem, now it is the “Dignity Decree” that sets off the storm. The data relating to the number of [...]

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In a joint note, the ministers of economic development Luigi Di Maio and of the economy, Giovanni Tria, commented on the recent technical report of INPS, boiled by the State General Accounting Office. "With regard to the technical report accompanying the Dignity Law Decree," the Minister of the Economy, Giovanni Tria believes that the INPS estimates on the effects of the provisions relating to [...]

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On the dignity decree, “in truth I have received heavy criticism from the organizations representing large industries. Small and medium-sized businesses know we are working to cut red tape and make their paychecks lighter. We removed the split payment and deactivated the income meter, a fire that was smoldering under the ashes. [...]

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The president of INPS, prof. Tito Michele Boeri, and the president of the National Council of Notaries, notary Salvatore Lombardo, have signed the agreement for the management of the disposal of the real estate assets of the Institute through telematic and traditional auctions. Following the entry into force of the Decree Law 24 April 2017, n. 50, in line with the provisions of [...]

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