Tito Boeri sued Maurizio Belpietro and Giacomo Amadori

In a statement the INPS informs that the President Boeri has filed a lawsuit against the editor of the newspaper "La Verità" Maurizio Belpietro and the journalist Giacomo Amadori, which, on 7 October 2018 in the article "Boeri uses pensions against the government: he wants to cut them all except his", he accused the President of using INPS for his own personal ends and, in particular, to guarantee a personal economic advantage.

Specifically, in the article, the journalist, with reference to the proposed reform of the so-called 'gold pensions', states that "in the new version [...] the cumulative pensions are excluded from the cuts and therefore also those that Boeri will receive for the his work at the OECD ". This sentence is strongly defamatory, as it is easy to verify that the prof. Boeri does not receive or receive any pension payments from the OECD in the future, having redeemed the contributions paid during this working relationship. It is also known that the President expressed his support for the inclusion of pensions in aggregate in the draft law on the recalculation of "gold pensions", as is also documented by the recent hearings he carried out in the Labor Commission in the Chamber.

Also in subsequent articles, and in particular in an article dated 14 October 2018, the journalist returns to insinuate that the prof. Boeri would have abused his role to pursue private interests.

Given these repeated statements from the obvious defamatory content, it was therefore necessary for the President to take legal action.


Tito Boeri sued Maurizio Belpietro and Giacomo Amadori