(by Federica De Stefani, lawyer and head of Aidr Regione Lombardia) In 2019 the data of over 500 million registered users on Facebook ended up in the hands of hackers: the data breach is now a couple of years old, but the concern it arouses this subtraction is extremely current. Those data, in fact, despite the [...]

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An ever-increasing number of citizens are reporting the receipt on their smartphones of sms messages such as "Hello, I sent you a code by mistake, could you send it back?", Which appear sent by users in their address book. Very often users, misled by the presumed knowledge of the sender, do not hesitate to indulge the [...]

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With reference to the article published yesterday by "Il Tempo" with the title "Hidden the true infections at school", the Ministry of Education makes it known that it considers the accusations of the newspaper very serious and false. No data was ever hidden. The information on infections in the school environment, collected thanks to the fruitful collaboration of school managers, has always been [...]

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(by Alessandro Capezzuoli, ISTAT official and manager of the Aidr professions and skills data observatory) Science, a word that derives from the Latin scire, to know, is based on sharing. Unshared knowledge and knowledge are of little use to collective growth. Newton, in a letter addressed to Robert Hooke, wrote a sentence that perfectly summarizes this concept: [...]

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