“A date strongly linked to the mission of the school” This morning the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi will be present in Rome at the celebrations for the Republic Day, at the Altare della Patria. "Today we celebrate the birth of our Republic - declares Minister Patrizio Bianchi -, a date strongly linked to the mission of the school, which is a garrison [...]

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“We have an enormous task ahead of us, which needs everyone's commitment and dedication. A great social and economic pact so that this country can demonstrate, as has already happened at other times in its history, all the energy, strength, excellence of which it is capable. It's not just our economy or positioning at stake [...]

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The new government has brought back to Italy "hope" and "mending the social fabric". These are the two strong statements that characterized the synthesis of the brief interventions of the government leaders, who abandoning the rigid rules of ceremonial and security poured out among the people. In fact, the people crowding the sides of the Imperial Forums, in [...]

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